Forms of sacred buildings inspired by mountain sculpture 33
The use of dark-coloured concrete or wood (obtained
both through painting means and as a result of the natural
ageing of untreated wood) ensures that the chapels blend
into the summer landscape, when strong light brings out
individual planes, leaving some of the building lumps in
shadow. However, the same buildings stand out signi-
cantly in the winter landscape and become a strong domi-
nant feature against the bright, reective snow.
The colour of a structure can also become a carrier of
additional meanings as in the case of Mario Botta’s chap-
el. The rusty colour achieved by the corten panels refers
directly to the garnet colour, which was the main inspira-
tion in the process of creating the Granatkapelle project.
Referring to the words of Frank L. Wright, who had
a signicant inuence on the development of organic ar-
chitecture, it can be considered that the basis of architec-
ture is the character of the land where the architecture is
realised. The character of the landscape, on the other hand,
means colour, texture, “material” and greenery (Chodurska
1988). In this sense, most of the buildings analysed show
characteristics that coincide with organic architecture. The
aim of this integration is to achieve a harmonious balance
between nature and culture, and in an attempt to blend
buildings into the natural landscape, architects often use
mathematical and geometric structures (Han 2020).
It is noteworthy that the analysed buildings do not, in
principle, exhibit features of regional architecture. The
exceptions are the references at the material level, e.g.,
the use of white plastered façades, which can be interpret-
ed not only as an attempt to t the buildings in the winter
landscape or as an inuence of modernism, but as a ref-
erence to the tradition of plastering religious buildings.
Wood is also a local material used in construction. Most
chapel authors, however, seek a more “austere” means of
expression that goes beyond the material characteristic of
the “forest line” and try to draw inspiration from the land-
scape located higher up, whose image is more austere,
stony and majestic.
The buildings analysed reect the relationship between
human spirituality and nature. In them, architecture be-
comes a means of expression, emphasised by the spiritual
element of art. Indeed, most of these structures are per-
ceived as spatial sculptures with a signicant emotional
and aesthetic charge. Shapes, lines, proportions, materials
and textures serve to create a space of the sacred. Geomet-
ric order or the dynamism of forms are two facets of the
same quest to capture the sacred in the architectural lump.
In all the buildings analysed, the authors attempt to cap-
ture the essence of the mountain along with the symbolic
qualities ascribed to it and to create a place of contact be-
tween man and the innite.
Translated by
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