Haptics and the ideas of brutalist architecture 31
suggestion of experiencing with the body, tactile sensa-
tions and moving the haptic imagination. This imagination
is inseparably intertwined with movement (the movement
of the observer and the “movement” of solids) as well as
with metaphorically understood time (the viewer as a par-
ticipant in the construction process and a witness to the life
and ageing of the building).
The conducted research complements and enriches the
hitherto dominant research approach, referring only to vi-
sual aesthetics. The result of this scientic work is not so
much the discovery of completely new factors shaping the
aesthetics of brutalism but proving the haptic provenance
of phenomena considered by many researchers to be visual.
Clarication of these facts seems to restore the proper hi-
erarchy and the role of the senses present in the experience
of architecture. It also serves a deeper understanding of the
mechanisms of human cognition.
In the authors’ opinion, further research is necessary to
organize the areas of architectural theory closely related to
haptic aesthetics. Using the procedure proposed by the re-
search team, analogous studies of other architectural trends
can be performed. This method also seems appropriate for
comparative analyses, dierentiating particular trends.
Translated by
Wojciech Niebrzydowski
This research was carried out as part of work WZ/WA-IA/5/2023 and
work WZ/WA-IA/4/2023 at the Białystok University of Technology and
nanced from a research subsidy provided by the Ministry of Education
and Science of Poland.
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