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analysis, including conservation factors, knowledge of the
site and contemporary factors. This analysis can inuence
the development of a conservation programme that balanc-
es conservation with adaptability to changing needs and
The preservation of historical ruins in the form of a so
called “permanent ruin” is a conservative way of pro-
tecting ruined buildings. However, the desirability of
maintaining buildings in this state is increasingly being
questioned due to the high maintenance costs. In addition,
the state of ruin is socially unacceptable because of the
public’s dierent attitudes to the restoration and renova-
tion of monuments.
It is therefore important to carry out a comprehensive
analysis of structures protected as “permanent ruins” in or-
der to determine in detail their value, conservation needs
and potential for social, economic and business use. The
adaptation process requires recognition of dierent types
of factors that inuence the conservation of a building and
its social and economic potential. The increase in tourist
numbers, the adaptation of ruins to current standards of
use and the introduction of new functions often require the
design of new volumes within the historic site.
Translated by
Katarzyna Drobek