104 Anna Orchowska-Smolińska, Anna Kriegseisen, Jakub Szczepański
ration of bankruptcy of Gdańsk Shipyard S.A. in 1996.
In 1999, at the request of the Pomeranian Regional Mon-
uments Inspector (Pomorski Wojewódzki Konserwator
Zabytków – PWKZ), the rst registration cards of archi-
tectural and construction monuments from the Shipyard
area (17 cards) were created [5]. During the economic
transformation at the end of the 20
century, the aware-
ness of historic values and the potential of the iconic ship-
yard complex was only beginning to take shape. In the
rst conservation opinion prepared in 1999 regarding the
value of selected buildings from the shipyard area, only
eight historic buildings were recognized by a scientic
research team, while demolition was allowed for another
nine [6]. In the same year, the PWKZ made the rst en-
try into the register of monuments in the Shipyard area,
which included: (1) Solidarity Square with (2) the Fallen
Shipyard Workers of December 1970, (3) a fragment of
the shipyard wall (with inscription plates), (4) the historic
Gate No. 2, and (5) the building housing the Health and
Safety Hall [7]. In addition to being the only entry in the
register of monuments at that time, for many years the
only legal form of protection for the Shipyard’s monu-
ments were local spatial plans [8], [9] adopted in 2004,
taking into account the conservation protection of histori-
cal objects and cultural values in the former shipyard area
to a very limited extent.
At the turn of 2013 and 2014, the shipyard area south of
the Martwa Wisła River was entirely subject to the inven-
tory of historical buildings located in the area of the for-
mer Gdańsk Shipyard. The main purpose of the research
was to document the state of preservation of post-shipyard
cultural assets. As a result of the eld research, 290 his-
toric objects were identied, for which individual regis-
tration cards were prepared. Comprehensive information
base about buildings and objects being post-shipyard
develop ment was then handed over to the PWKZ. Only
66 of them were included in the Provincial Register of
Monuments (Wojewódzka Ewidencja Zabytków – WEZ)
[10], [11]. In 2015, an important expert study was pub-
lished, entitled Studium wyboru form ochrony konserwa-
torskiej terenów i obiektów postoczniowych w Gdańsku
[Study of the selection of forms of conservation protec-
tion for areas and post-shipyard facilities in Gdańsk], one
of the conclusions of which was the need to protect the
most valuable facilities of the former Gdańsk Shipyard
[12]. With regard to the contemporary changes in the ur-
ban structure of the discussed part of Gdańsk in 2016 [13]
and 2018 [14], a two-volume study was prepared under
the supervision of Professor Piotr Lorens from the Gdańsk
University of Technology. The rst volume, written in col-
laboration with Janusz Lipiński, concerned the potential
of post-shipyard areas in the context of their redevelop-
ment. In the second part, prepared together with Professor
Jakub Lewicki, the historic substance and planning heri-
tage were assessed.
The legal protection of the rst buildings and strictly
shipyard areas took place only in 2017 when the oldest
part of the historic industrial complex of the former Im-
perial Shipyard was entered in the Register of Historic
Monuments [15]. In the same territorial scope, in 2018
the President of the Republic of Poland recognized a part
of the shipyard area as Monument of History
[16]. The
protection of other parts of the former Gdańsk Shipyard
took place in 2019 and 2020 [17], [18], which summed up
the twenty-year-long process of implementing appropriate
legal forms of monument protection of the most valuable
cultural heritage objects in its area. Meanwhile, at the
beginning of the new millennium, the demolition of his-
toric buildings belonging to the shipyard and the removal
of elements of its equipment and infrastructure began
The PWKZ initially entered 260 inventoried objects in the
Gdańsk Shipyard, such as shipyard halls, workshop buildings, docks and
ramps (slipways), elements of infrastructure and development (bollards,
street lamps, crane rails, fragments of historical surfaces, etc.) and de-
vices – cranes, gantries, lathes, milling machines and many more. Ulti-
mately, the Pomeranian Provincial Conservator of Monuments withdrew
from entering into the WEZ many of the recorded elements of the his-
toric development of shipyard areas, such as fragments of quays, tracks,
and fences, gates or lanterns. Currently (as of 04/19/2022), the WEZ has
85 monuments from the area of the former Gdańsk Shipyard, including
the shipbuilding area north of the Martwa Wisła River (Ostrów Island).
The Monument of History (area dened as Gdańsk Shipyard, the
birthplace of Solidarity) status include historic buildings and structures
of the former Imperial Shipyard complex, the building housing the his-
toric Health and Safety Hall and the Solidarity Square with the Monu-
ment to the Fallen Shipyard Workers of December 1970. It is a fragment
of the historic area of the Gdańsk Shipyard (15 ha) with a part of the
historic complex. In the justication, we can read that the Gdańsk Ship-
yard construction team is an example of over a hundred years of history
of architecture and shipbuilding development, and was a place of strug-
gle for employee rights and the birth of the Independent Self-Governing
Trade Union “Solidarity”.
Some of the demolished facilities are: 2000 – shipyard clinic,
2007 – slipways of the K2 Hull Division (A1, A2), 2008 and 2012 – pre-
fabrication halls of the K2 Hull Division, 2008 – residential complex (the
villa of the director of the Imperial Shipyard), 2010 – canteen hall, 2012
– the building of the Design and Construction Oce, 2011–2013 – ship-
yard buildings located along Jana z Kolna Street (including Gate No. 3).
Fig. 1. View of a fragment of the area of the former Gdańsk Shipyard
in 2019. Until the beginning of the 21
century, the area
in the foreground of the photo was filled with shipyard halls
constituting one of the main production lines of hull construction.
Currently (2022), investment works related to the construction
of multi-family buildings are underway there
(photo by A. Orchowska-Smolińska)
Il. 1. Widok fragmentu obszaru dawnej Stoczni Gdańskiej w 2019.
Teren na pierwszym planie fotografii do początku XXI w. wypełniały
hale stoczniowe stanowiące jeden z głównych ciągów technologicznych
budowy kadłubów. Obecnie (2022) trwają tam prace inwestycyjne
związane z budową budynków wielorodzinnych
(fot. A. Orchowska-Smolińska)