
How should we analyse historical works of architecture, urban planning, garden design, etc. 111
The analysis method in question has been present in
public greenery preservation and design standards devel-
oped by the Landscape Architecture Association for local
municipal and county-level governments for many years
[28]–[30]. In the opinion of ocials who implement these
standards, one major benet of the method’s use is that it
allows one to formulate conclusions with a varying degree
of rmness (“it is necessary to…”, “it is justied to…”,
“one can consider…” etc.) which signicantly improves
decision making and facilitates project planning
It should be stressed that the three-stage/four-aspect
As per information received from Doctor Łukasz Dworniczak,
the main author of the standards, who monitors the process of the docu-
ments’ adoption (by municipal or county councils) and implementation.
analysis does not undermine or replace the immense body
of methodology associated with analysing cultural envi-
ronment assets. It also does not alter the methodologi-
cal foundations of pre-design studies in architecture and
urban planning [31]. It merely postulates a principle of
structuring and processing information obtained based
on detailed studies and analyses – so that “conservation
guidelines” can be inseparably tied with objective value
assessments instead of being a list of “ideas” dictated
by a designer’s ego and a developer’s expectations. It is
a means of supporting the preservation of environmental
values, especially the cultural environment and its authen-
ticity, which is fragile and non-replicable.
Translated by
Krzysztof Barnaś
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