
Form-based codes versus urban revitalization of historical city centers. Opportunities and dangers 67
Another argument promoting the model of activities
proposed by representatives of the New Urbanism is also
its inclusion in the concept of sustainable development.
Nevertheless, in Polish and European conditions, it seems
that these activities are somewhat dierently understood.
In Europe, they focus on maximizing the use of space
within the city limits and counteracting chaotic and un-
controlled suburbanization, while in the US they focus
on a chaotic structurization and extensive singlefamily
housing. The most important challenge for shaping urban
areas in Poland is sustainable urban development in the
form of a balance between activities in the existing struc-
ture and controlled development of suburban areas. These
measures are implemented by studies, urban planning
projects and local development plans, i.e., the viable tools
for shaping urban space in terms of urban composition,
which, however, should be constantly supplemented by
urban policy solutions.
In view of the above, it seems that perhaps instead of
directly copying this model, it would be more appropriate
to treat the methodology proposed by the New Urbanism
and SmartCode as an inspiration to seek new solutions,
e.g., by improving imperfect indigenous solutions and be-
ing more detailed in the shaping of common spaces, trans-
portation centers or pedestrian and road communication,
as well as seeking administrative ways and tools to carry
out more integrated activities. Such considerations should
be supported in each case by a broad discussion of the
role of cultural heritage in contemporary transformations
of urban space or the search for contemporary references
to the tradition of a place.
historical cities. These tendencies – variously named and described
– lead us towards the thematization idea. The basic question, however, is
to nd the boundary between thematic kitsch and conscious restoration
of the space value. This boundary is extremely delicate, and designers
very often cross it [21, p. 201].
The thesis on the applicability of the SmartCode in Pol-
ish conditions and revitalization of downtown complexes
seems doubtful in the author’s opinion, as many ambigu-
ities arise. In light of these, rst of all, it is necessary to
nd an answer to the question of whether it is possible to
create synthesized spatial codes in urban European lay-
outs shaped over successive eras and marked by an ex-
tremely complex, centuriesold and very diverse cultural
tradition. There are also reasonable doubts about how the
hierarchy of individual historical elements will be evalu-
ated and who will ultimately decide on the architectural
form and aesthetic quality of the resulting layouts – con-
cerning not individual buildings, but entire fragments of
cities: neighborhoods and districts. This raises further
questions: whether, nally, the direction of historical ref-
erences proposed in the only example of the implemen-
tation of the New Urbanism idea in Poland, in the new
establishment of the urban complex, i.e., in the Siewierz
Jeziorna housing district (cf. [34]), is appropriate and
whether, at the level of the architectural solutions applied,
looking for the socalled local forms, the intended goal
was achieved. Despite the many valuable solutions in the
urban layer, is the use of architectural solutions that give
the impression of being overscaled and distorted in the
sphere of proportions and, however, somewhat accidental
in our cultural context, the direction in which native urban
planning should follow?
Of course, attempts to answer the above questions en-
courage indepth reection and interdisciplinary discus-
sion. Conclusions formulated in this area should also be
supported by appropriate considerations of the role of cul-
tural heritage in contemporary transformations of urban
space and the desirability of contemporary references to
historical forms.
Translated by
Maciej Szeląg
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