Continuation of the typology of the structures of Nadświdrzańska architecture in contemporary realizations 49
terms of a conscious reference to Świdermajer architec-
ture, which is the result of the activity of architects-gradu-
ates of the Faculty of Architecture of the Warsaw Univer-
sity of Technology, in their declarations referring to the
concept of genius loci and identity continuity of the area
of the historical Otwock line.
The article conrms the thesis on the variety of ways of
shaping solids in Nadświdrzańska architecture. The pos-
sibility of separating the basic types of solids has been
proven. New buildings can be assigned to the typology
created for historical buildings. The analysis of 228 exam-
ples of Świdermajers showed the richness and diversity
in the ways of shaping buildings. The basic type and its
deformations account for about 85% of the tested resour-
ce. Architecture created after 1989, referring to local hi-
storical architecture (e.g. through the use of architectural
details, using a similar scale and solid features) continue
the spatial arrangements of the historical architecture ty-
pes. The new buildings can be assigned to particular types
distinguished for the architecture of the discussed region.
The examination of contemporary buildings showed the
architects’ aspirations to refer to the historical architecture
with the shape of their own buildings.
Prospects for continuing research
From the perspective of the described research, it seems
reasonable to conduct comparative studies of the obta-
ined results and forms of summer resort architecture in
selected parts of Poland. Particularly interesting results
could be obtained by a typological juxtaposition of veran-
das, which, in addition to the decoration and shape of the
solids, are a key identity component of Nadświdrzańska
architecture. A separate issue could be the development
of a catalog of existing shutter board endings and open-
work porch decorations, so as to be able to determine their
specicity against the background of other examples of
wooden and holiday architecture in Poland. In order to
determine the stylistic features, thorough research on the
location of buildings and their relationship to the cardinal
directions (especially verandas) would be needed.
Another, perhaps the most interesting perspective for
the continuation of the research would be to compare the
typologies of holiday architecture solidsfound in various
regions of Poland, as well as in Europe. This would make
it possible to verify the views on the complete autonomy
or secondary nature of the phenomenon of Świdermajer
architecture in relation to forms erected at a similar time
with a similar function, but in other regions. The perfor-
med research can be used to analyze changes in the ways
of shaping solids in chronological terms.
The presented research results can be further develo-
ped by generating model and variant geometries of forms
using computer or manual techniques to examine the
limits of the idea of Świdermajer and to determine possi-
ble shapes that would be referring to local heritage.
Translated by
Tomasz J. Trzupek
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