î 3DîterrestrialîlaserîscanningîofîElîFuerteîdeîSamaipataââ/âNaziemneîlaseroweîskanowanieî3DîElîFuerteîdeîSamaipataî 33
The whole picture was reîżned by applying a negative
version of the black and white image obtained from the
âCloud Silhouetteâ algorithm.
It is noteworthy that the colour reproduction on the 3D
point cloud turned out to be close to the colours obtained
on uncalibrated digital photos from the îżeld (compare
Figs. 10A, B).
Conclusions and project limitations
The chosen method of documentation turned out to be
adequate for its purpose of providing the most accurate
reproduction of the surface of the Samaipata rock includ-
ing its smallest details. However, the resulting database
is so large (265 GB) that it requires computers with high
computing power, high-speed graphics cards, and a large
amount of RAM to operate it. We had an acceptable level
of work comfort when using a computer with two Xeon
processors (Intel
CPU E5-2630 v2), 128 GB RAM,
and two NVIDIA GTX 1070 graphics cards.
The practical use of such a large and detailed scan da-
tabase brings problems. Assuming that the scanned area
measures only 80 Ă 240 m with an average scanning den-
sity of 3 Ă 3 mm, and assuming that the intention is to get
a full graphical representation of the entire area, we will
end up with a îżle size of 24 000 by 72 000 pixels (1728
megapixels). Using îżles of this size on a daily basis is not
convenient. However, this was not the purpose of scan-
ning with such a high density. The main value of this scan
database is that of a document that is a detailed (as far as
todayâs technical possibilities permit) representation of the
state of the monument at a speciîżc moment (July 2016).
In the next ten years it would be advisable to repeat,
if not a scan of the whole rock, then at least a scan of its
most important fragments. Comparison of data from the
two diî””erent periods would determine the speed of erosion
and indicate the places most exposed to it. The use of TLS
data for monitoring the state of heritage monuments is be-
coming increasingly common [16]â[19] and is particularly
worth recommending in the case of el Fuerte de Samaipata.
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