8 Pavel Drnovský, Petr Hejhal
region can be associated with the colonization eorts of
the abbots from Břevnov based on the local centres in Po-
lice and Broumov. The origin of all the fortications de-
scribed above can probably be associated with the Bene-
dictine Order. We do not suppose that the pledge owners
(Duke Henry IV Probus and the brothers of Pannwitz)
would have built these residences during the temporary
possession. Of the fortied settlements presented, we have
contemporary written sources only for the castle, which
was located directly in Broumov. The report on the stone
tower in Martínkovice is unclear.
The development of the formation and stabilization of
the monastic domain was reected in the trends of found-
ing the individual sites (Drnovský 2023a). From the begin-
ning, Broumov was the central location – there was a town,
a provostry and since the 1290s also a fortied residence.
Probably at the beginning of the 2
half of the 13
tury, fortied sites were established to help stabilize the
newly colonized landscape and demarcate the borders with
the neighbouring Kłodzko region. These sites were located
near Šonov and Studená Voda. The fortication at Studená
Voda was not completed, probably due to the temporary
territorial loss of the Broumov region to the Duke of Sile-
sia, Henry IV Probus. Similarly, the fortication above
Šonov also was probably abandoned. In this case, how-
ever, the demise could be related to an unsuccessful pros-
pecting eort to mine gold. At the end, after regaining the
Broumov region, the Benedictines had a castle built above
Božanov. It is located only 820 m from the unnished for-
tication near Studená Voda. It was founded in a strategi-
cally more advantageous location. Unlike the previous two
locations, the castle near Božanov has a three-part layout:
in addition to the inner ward, it also has two baileys. Its
full completion and operation are evidenced by numerous
pottery and metal nds. Finds of militaria in its vicinity
testify to the violent demise of the castle. The position was
probably conquered during the uprising of the Broumov
reeves against their Benedictine manorial lords. During the
ghts, the castle and town of Broumov were burned down,
and we can nd a mention of burning down the village of
Šonov as well.
After the rebellion was suppressed, the Abbot of Břev-
nov Monastery, Bavor of Nečtiny, decided to fundamental-
ly rebuild the provostry, including the castle. Since the for-
tication above Božanov proved to be dicult to defend, it
was not renewed. The fact that after 1300 and the suppres-
sion of the rebellion the position of the Benedictines in the
Broumov region was so strong that it was not necessary to
keep this seat as a foothold of their domains may also have
played a role in this. The main portion of the investments
was spent on the construction of a fortied settlement in
Broumov. The castle and provostry, together with the forti-
ed town, created a suciently solid foothold. During the
Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period, no further for-
tications were built in the Broumov region.
Translated by
Jana Kličová
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