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nal objectives and goals of SNM. These eorts should
ensure full accessibility and transparency of noise-related
information, including the data integrated into SNM, the
methods used in measurements, the development of maps,
and action plans based on these maps, as well as periodic
reports on the state of the acoustic climate in specic areas.
It is important to emphasize that key actions in building
social trust include actively engaging residents in public
consultations and all direct interactions aimed at eective-
ly solving reported problems, clarifying doubts, and im-
proving social cooperation.
The conducted study contributes to the body of knowl-
edge regarding residents’ awareness of the existence and
potential of strategic noise maps, as well as the barriers
that limit their utilization. The results of the study were
presented through numerical and percentage values, pro-
viding a clear source of information regarding the scale of
the problem. The study also serves as an attempt to dene
proposed solutions which may prove eective in raising
public awareness, and consequently, contribute to the as-
sessment and improvement of the acoustic environment
quality, with a focus on safeguarding the health of resi-
dents. A methodologically identical study conducted in
other districts of Warsaw would serve as a basis for devel-
oping practical recommendations at the city level.
Translated by
Dominika Kumorek