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Acknowledgements /Podziękowania
The presented work is a part of the research sponsored by the grant giv-
National Science Centre (grant No. 2014/15/B/HS2/01108). Addition-
ally, the municipality of Samaipata, represented by Mayor Falvio Ló-
pes Escalera, contributed to this research by providing the accommo-
dationduring the eldworkin June andJuly 2016, aswell as inJuly
2017. The Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Bolivia kindly granted
all necessary permits (UDAM No. 014/2016; UDAM No. 060/2017).
The research was conducted in close cooperation with the Centre for
Pre-Columbian Studies of the University of Warsaw in Cusco. Spe-
cialists from many other universities and research centres also joined
the project.