
Comments on the “urban” and “country” modus of Wrocław patricians’ houses 25
ble community and the “erasure” of their burgher origins
altered the rank of each house and its form of use. The
Rehdigers can serve as a model example here – they were
a family with links to Wrocław dated back to as early as
1512, that was ennobled in 1544, and whose members
abandoned trading and banking in favor of prots from
landed estates already in the 17
century, having sold the
urban palace at Solny Square and relocating to country
castles and manors. They furthered their careers by hold-
ing state and court oces as members of the nobility.
The interpretative proposals featured in this paper can
be useful in conducting architectural, archaeological and
conservation studies. The presence of a large number of
non-original old bricks in walls from the 18
and 19
centuries (e.g., in the southern wall of the eastern wing
of the Rehdiger family castle in Strzeszów
) can be in-
As above.
terpreted as the remains of the nogging of post-and-beam
walls. The argument concerning the “old-fashioned char-
acter” of patrician country estates should be taken into ac-
count while analyzing façade plaster stratigraphies: such
analyses should be conducted while bearing in mind that
the exposure of the brick pattern of a wall (the lack of
plaster) was a programmatic element. All visualizations
of the appearance of country residences from the early
modern period should include the historical components
of a “castle” or “manor” program: a moat, the placement
of grange buildings, and the possible extent of the resi-
dence’s elds.
Studies on early modern patrician residences allow us
to note that the social environment is the raison d’être of
architecture, and familiarity of environmental determi-
nants and contexts is the basis for all interpretation.
Translated by
Krzysztof Barnaś
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