Retro-digitising non-Euclidean physical models in construction history: Challenges, results and potentials 39
This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungs gemein schaft
(DFG, German Research Foundation) under Ger many’s Excellence Stra-
tegy – EXC 2120/1 – 390831618 and the SPP 2255.
our assumption: for German-speaking countries, no more
than a dozen physical models could be identied. At the
same time, the aesthetic, technical and techno-historical
estimation and our construction knowledge of the rare sur-
viving objects has grown immensely. The reasons why the
age of model statics came to an end in the 1970s could be
claried and the models that fall into this transition phase
could be examined for traces of the beginning automated
For these few “surviving witnesses”, matters of resto-
ration and conservation concepts became even more im-
portant and resulted in an ongoing campaign to save and
valorise the remaining models and model-fragments of
outstanding scientic as well as public interest. For this
purpose, the digital representations of the models had to
be created specically, which led us to develop methods
for the production of digital models, exploring and assess-
ing methods from other disciplines such as geodesy. It is
noteworthy, that techniques from the days of early light-
weight constructions like photogrammetric approaches
still proved the most reliable method for our project, albeit
now done with digital cameras and eventually semi-auto-
mated. This transfer of established methods from geode-
sy in architecture to smaller-scale objects also opens up
further research perspectives and concepts for their future
preservation considering scientic purposes in teaching
and experimentation by exploring an integrative AI envi-
ronment for example, to reconstruct destroyed or no longer
preserved models and their testing environment on the ba-
sis of photographic and text-based records.
Our aim is an evaluation that focuses on developing
concepts for their future preservation considering scientic
purposes in teaching and experimentation even more as the
last witnesses of model statics allow us to re-engage with
past ingenuity and cultures of evidence, which in turn may
foster nowadays approaches (Bühler, Weber 2021).
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Retrodigitalizacja nieeuklidesowych modeli zycznych w historii budownictwa. Wyzwania, efekty i możliwości
Obecnie dostępnych jest wiele metod tworzenia modeli cyfrowych do dokumentowania, badania lub dalszego rozwoju budynków. Sprzęt i inne tech-
nologie zostały przejęte z innych dyscyplin, takich jak geodezja, i są dalej rozwijane specjalnie dla branży budowlanej. Dlatego też metody te mają bar-
dzo konkretny cel i ich zastosowanie jest ograniczone przy zmianie głównego obszaru zastosowań. W ramach projektu badawczego „Ostatni świadkowie