Tradition and innovation of Albert Einstein’s villa in Caputh 37
part of a solution that is a very early example of prefabri-
cation and resulting in a minimum level of disturbance at
the construction site,
– sustainable materials management (analysed in the
context of their life cycle):
• use of local sources of building material,
• increased carbon dioxide absorption thanks to the use
of Oregon pine and Galician r wood,
– introducing elements of the circular economy by re-
using furniture from Einstein’s Berlin apartment,
– functional use of space,
– simple geometric forms combined with current aes-
thetics, accepted by the end user,
– strong emphasis on the connection with nature and
A summary of traditional and modern features of the
examined building is presented in Table 2.
The results of the conducted research allowed us to
con clude that in the analysed Einstein villa in Caputh,
traditional features resulting from references to regional
building traditions and taking into account the investor’s
preferences were intertwined with innovative features ex-
pressed by the use of elements of naval architecture, avoid-
ance of excess ornaments, and the use of simple and func-
tional equipment combined with open space and extensive
terraces, good natural ventilation of the rooms, introduc-
ing plenty of daylight into the interiors and opening the
view, while clearly striving to facilitate contact with nature.
In situ research has shown that despite the observed com-
promise and balance between aspects of tradition and
modernity, modern elements dominate in the architecture
of the building. The novelty of the edice is manifested,
among others, in the choice of location of the dwelling, the
adopted functional and construction solutions, especially
in the connection system enabling quick assembly of the
building, which is a very early example of prefabrication,
in the way of shaping the space in the house and its vicin-
ity, and in the use of timber as the main building material,
creating viewing axes, as well as using daylight to modu-
late the ambience in the interiors.
The most important conclusions from the conducted re-
search concern the degree to which the building ts into
current tendencies in the history and theory of contempo-
rary architecture, in the context of contemporary knowl-
edge, including the New European Bauhaus initiative. The
most important features of the villa that meet the assump-
tions of sustainable, beautiful and inclusive architecture in-
clude proper adaptation to local climatic conditions, good
air circulation, eective natural ventilation, ease of assem-
bly and disassembly, minimal level of disturbance in the
place of implementation, use of local sources of building
material, the use of timber as a bio-based material absorb-
ing carbon dioxide, elements of the circular economy (reus-
ing furniture from Einstein’s Berlin apartment), functional
use of space, simple geometric forms that t well into cur-
rent aesthetics and emphasizing the connection with nature.
Translated by
Barbara Widera
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