The use of precast concrete façade elements in selected projects of new Polish public buildings 53
process also results from the savings planned by investors
– energy and implementation time – as well as due to the
complexity of the structures being implemented and the
expected quality of elements that play a key role in shap-
ing the aesthetics of façades. The presented objects, in
which prefabricated façade solutions were used, show that
the technology of making a modern façade is consistently
introduced into the landscape of Polish architecture. This
is due to the properties of the material itself and almost
complete freedom in shaping the form and aesthetics of
individual building elements. The variety of solutions and
selection of prefabricated elements in terms of aesthetics,
statics, structure and dimensions allows designers to free-
ly implement the idea of architecture by moving within
the framework of the desired aesthetic features contained
in prefabricated concrete.
This requires a not inconsiderable amount of knowledge
about prefabrication in terms of logistics (delivery to site
of prefabricated elements), the sense of seriality and repe-
tition of elements (lower cost of construction), dimensional
and execution modularity – everything related to a ratio-
nal and economical approach to design and construction.
Such a point of view does not exclude thinking of archi-
tecture as a unique work, created for the viewer in unison
by the architect, the specialists and the investor, who are
looking for architecture in an individual guise.
The presented experience of using precast concrete
demonstrates that architecture as a physical-prefabricated
structure is still the construction of an idea, so that the
material logic of the building must be recognisable along
with the idea being realised. This specic interdependence
in the presentation of the concept and the material of ar-
chitecture seems to be an attempt at the absolute self-de-
termination of one’s architecture – between the idea and
the material of the work.
Translated by
Krzysztof Barnaś
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Użycie betonowych prefabrykatów elewacyjnych
w wybranych realizacjach nowych polskich budynków użyteczności publicznej.
Znaczenia formalne i technologia
W artykule zaprezentowano wybrane przykłady polskich budynków użyteczności publicznej będących próbą poszukiwania współczesnych zna-
czeń architektonicznych w technologiach prefabrykacji betonowej. Prefabrykacja – coraz bardziej widoczna w polskim krajobrazie – nie tylko
staje się alternatywą budowlaną dla systemów monolitycznych, ale także jest wybierana przez architektów jako idealna technologia do realizacji
autorskich zamierzeń estetycznych. Dodatkowym celem autora jest analiza dostępnych źródeł poruszających tematykę prefabrykacji betonowych