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urban design standards, understood as codied in the form
of either bill, regulation, codex or norm containing a set of
rules dening minimal standards of accessibility to various
facilities and services, primarily those of a public domain,
is considered to be crucial. The author believes that leg-
islation should apply, above all, to the local government
during the development of local zoning plans. The design
process ought to contain estimations of a target popula-
tion, which would be a basis for elaborating demand for
a given type of service. Having said that, it is important to
limit the number of investments that proceed with WZiZT
decisions, by covering the whole country with local zon-
ing plans. Arguably, a way of achieving that state would
be to put legislative, social and media pressure on local
government units. A guarantee of meeting these require-
ments should be obligatory to get an investment approval.
It must not be forgotten that provision of public services
lies in the hands of the local government. For that reason,
an expense of building such objects should not be paid
by a private real estate developer, even if he decides to
build a residential estate for several thousand residents.
Clearly building a healthcare facility or a school is an
expensive investment for a local government, however it
would reimburse the costs in taxes. Taking into consid-
eration a state-wide housing shortage and limited budget
of the local government, an optimal solution seems to be
a public-private partnership. Due to a high risk of fraud,
such solutions must be precisely monitored.
Plans that are in accordance with the idea of the neigh-
bourhood unit and the 15-minute city [24] ought to provide
all basic services within walking distance. Additionally
pedestrian infrastructure should be welcoming, safe and
attractive, so it would convince people to resign from us-
ing their cars. In that aspect, housing development density
is important. This should be achieved with the approval of
citizens, because it fosters better accessibility to various
facilities. Such a process does not have to be accompanied
by a negative, subjective feeling of “concreting” a city.
The presented cases are proof of that. In accordance with
the data presented in Research part of this paper, Nowa
Huta, considered one of the greenest districts in Cracow,
has signicantly higher population density than Ruczaj,
which is perceived as a symbol of “concreting” the city.
Translated by
Michał Ogorzałek, Joanna Maliborska