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Usage of digital surveying techniques in monuments
of wooden architecture.
Example of documentation of churches on Silesia and Lesser Poland border
Monuments of wooden architecture are part of heritage which is particularly liable to destruction. That is why they need a detailed architectural
survey. Architectural measurements of wooden churches in Poland have been conducted since the end of the 19
century. The digital methods of
documenting monuments are becoming more and more popular and available, so they are replacing traditional measurements methods also in the
monuments of wooden architecture.
Examining the documentation made with digital techniques in 2022 in comparison to historical drawings for ve wooden churches on Silesia and
Lesser Poland border helped to stress the advantages and disadvantages of using modern surveying techniques in wooden architecture.
It is obvious that using digital methods allows us to take the measurements faster. Also the geometry of the structure is registered more accurately.
3D documentation represents the geometry of the whole building, that is why it is fuller than the traditional architectural documentation, which only
consists of predetermined plans and sections. The advantage of 3D documentation is also in the possibility to use it for visualisation purposes, e.g.
special analyses or popularisation of heritage. However, while using digital surveying techniques in wooden architecture one must remember that
these types of buildings require analytic documentation showing all elements of their complex construction. That is why creating competent docu-
mentation demands thorough study of the structure, especially in places inaccessible for scanners or cameras.
Key words: sacral architecture, wooden architecture, historic building survey, laser scanning, photogrammetry, 3D documentation