110 Dominika Pazder
3. Delineating – within the creative syntax – a sequen-
tial system of road oer in the three case studies, to be fol-
lowed by a rating in view of spatial and emotional values
in reference to the adopted indicators of visual composi-
tion and user/visitor experiences and by rating the road at-
tractiveness in view of quality assessment categories such
as instrumental, sensual and semantic quality referred to
as AIDAS quality components (attention, interest, desire,
action, satisfaction) (Steinecke 1999, 58).
Territorial and time scope of the research
The research focuses on downtown areas in three cities
– Poznan, Cracow and Wrocław, which have been selected
based on a rating of the European Commission “Cultural
and Creative Cities Monitor” (2024) (Pazder 2018; 2019).
These cities obtained the highest “C3-Index”, which means
the highest Cultural Vibrancy and Creative Economy rat-
ing in the group of cities populated by at least 500,000.00
up to 1,000,000.00 inhabitants. The research included
a comparative analysis of designated downtown creative
syntax intended to identify similarities and dierences of
cultural and economic scores allocated to the ratios of cre-
ativity to quality of the downtown space. The research was
conducted in the period from 2016 to 2018. The results
were published in a scientic monograph (Pazder 2018).
Purpose of the research
The research aims to highlight the importance of cre-
ating places revitalizing social life within the downtown
public space, and thus, to promote urban planning as a tool
facilitating spatial development of social structures, going
beyond the role of mere art of spatial and functional urban
arrangement. In view of the foregoing, two basic goals can
be proposed for the research:
1. Identication of current tendencies and criteria un-
derlying the role of creativity in shaping, stimulating and
revitalizing the downtown space.
Development of the author’s original research meth-
for the following purposes:
– identication of topology of the existing functional
and spatial downtown resources to be used and qualied as
capable of designating creative syntax and relevant spatial
– identication of the sequential system of road oer
and its multi-criteria assessment, taking into account crea
tive public spaces of high quality and attractiveness and
delineation of focal points of spatio-social activity within
the functional and spatial decit places.
Research hypotheses
The following research hypotheses have been proposed
by the author on the basis of a thorough analysis of the
eld specic literary references, observations of Polish and
European practices and her own experience:
– spatial decits stimulate development of creativity
and may contribute to vibrancy and vitality of downtown
els on a scale of importance or subordination and thus, by
rendering a harmonious composition.
Identification of the research problem
The research aims to study the relationships between
downtown areas with creative capacity and social and eco-
nomic eects of spatial activities undertaken to enhance
spatial attractiveness by making it inspiring, inclusive and
revitalizing. The concept of creative space is connected
with another term, i.e., “the experience economy”, rst used
by the economists Joseph Pine and James Gilmore (1998),
who noticed that customers were willing to pay more if
a sales transaction became a memorable experience for
them (or in order to have extraordinary experiences).
This work adheres to the creative economy model as
proposed by John Howkins (2013), based on intangible
capitals, people’s use of their talents, imagination, skills,
knowledge and creativity. This perception of economy is
shared by Michael Hutter (2011), who notes that in the
sector of culture, economy plays no major role, however,
combination of culture and the experience economy ren-
ders new opportunities. Economy of goods is prot driven,
while creative economy is based on the potential of cre-
ative assets. The model of experience economy proposed
by Hutter is demand driven but in an interactive way (Naro-
dowy Instytut Kultury…). Demand for creativity is viewed
as sparking the consumer interest and supply – as an oer
of intangible capitals; at the same time prot attains other
than nancial dimension, since it additionally allows peo-
ple to use their creative potential and satisfy social needs
in the downtown space. In this sense, vibrancy and vitality
play a key role. Owing to relevant activities, re sources can
be applied towards cultural development (sti mulation of
creativity of the inhabitants), spatial transfor mation (de-
velopment and design of public spaces) and towards har-
nessing the semantic potential (enhancement of the local
character and genius loci) to shape to a large extent the
unique nature of downtown.
Architectural scenery and spatial oer create specic
conditions for orchestrating the urban stage open to human
creativity. The work shall focus on the study of the role of
designated – by means of the author’s original method – cre-
ative syntax areas to identify their importance in stimulating
social activity and revitalizing the downtown space. It shall,
moreover, provide reasons justifying the use of the experi-
ence economy model (Waitt, Gibson 2009; Hutter 2011), in
order to obtain measurable economic benets for the city.
Researched topics
The studies concern three topics:
1. Identication and designation of creative syntax in
downtown areas of the analysed cities according to the ad-
opted by the author criteria of creativity. Creative syntax
areas will then enable us to delineate a sequential system
of road oer.
2. Comparative analysis of the designated creative syn-
tax and its relationships to assess and benchmark the three
analysed cities (case studies).