Determining the optimal distance between buildings based on the solar altitude angle 93
the times of the Polish People’s Republic (and during the
subsequent years) were characterized by an urban concept
on the scale of the entire housing estate, quarter, district,
in accordance with the regulations, including maintaining
appropriate distances and providing recreational and green
spaces. Unfortunately, current housing developments are
focused mainly on prot and not on creating suitable and
comfortable, also in terms of light, residential spaces. This
leads to further densication of urban spaces and the loss
of the intellectual achievements of modernism. Gradual
abandonment of the requirements for sunlight access to
residential interiors will have its consequences.
Phil Leather’s team in his studies on stress Windows in
the Workplace: Sunlight, View, and Occupational Stress
[26] points out that the most signicant impact on job sat-
isfaction and comfort of using a particular space is the
presence of direct solar light penetrating the interior. Al-
lowing the gradual reduction of sunlight into the interior
will lead to an excessive density of residential areas. This
phenomenon is one of the so-called stressors of space. The
psychological reaction of users of spaces lacking in sun-
light is stress. This stress is caused by an internal sense
of disruption of balance and a lack of inuence on the
following emerging factors [27]: urban over density, in-
cluding the scale of buildings, the short distances between
the windows of opposite apartments, or simply the loss of
views from the windows. Lack of distance between private
spaces causes sensory overload and, as a result, dicul-
ties in the use of spaces and the risk of creating oppressive
spaces [28].
Undoubtedly, the issues of daylight, its access to interior
spaces and its regulation are in the interest of designers,
albeit to a much lesser extent, of developers and people in-
volved in real estate. Surely, access to daylight and decent
views should become an asset of high-quality buildings
and good architecture, after all, slogans about daylight de-
sign have been increasingly appearing. Determining opti-
mal distances and spatial orientation of buildings is, with-
out doubt, an essential part of good design. Authorities
checking compliance with regulations, including access
to daylight, are also those who issue building permits.
Their control is often based on checking that the design
documentation includes drawings indicating the absence of
shading; however, they do not perform any adequate veri-
cation. The algebraic method presented in the article could
easily become a useful control tool not only for the design-
ers and architects, but also for the building control ocials.
Translated by
Ewa Youngman
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The research was carried out as part of project no. WZ/WA-IA/1/20 at
the Bialystok University of Technology and nanced from a research
subsidy provided by the Science Minister.