Conservation aspects of cast-iron platform shelters on the example of Vistula Pomerania railway stations 57
nance did not require signicant nancial expenditures
over the years, making it possible for them to survive, of-
ten unaected, until the present day. As remnants of con-
struction technology and station architecture of the 19
century, cast-iron platform shelters are now a valuable
technical concept document. Nevertheless, even though
historical objects’ authenticity is not suciently valued
among the Polish society [24, p. 9], it should be particular-
ly protected by properly undertaken conservation works.
Translated by
Michał Kwasek
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Special appreciation to Marta Jedlikowska and Olga Broniewska from
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for valuable factual comments.
Conservation aspects of cast-iron platform shelters on the example of Vistula Pomerania railway stations
Cast-iron shelters were used in the 19
century as cheaper alternatives to large platform halls. Nevertheless, they were aesthetically distinguish-
able from later riveted solutions. Because of their durability and continuous utility, they were not the subject of disassembly, as numerous transport
infrastructure objects have been in recent decades. This article aims to indicate proper conservation practices during construction works on cast-iron
platform shelters. Nowadays, most frequently, they take place during the modernization of railroad stations. As presented in this text, the approach to
conservation procedures can be signicantly dierent. The paper investigates technical and architectural solutions of selected instances of cast-iron
platform shelters in Vistula Pomerania. Some references to foreign designs are also presented. The analysis of literature and archival documentation of
the project, as well as the eld studies, enabled us to formulate conclusions – recommendations for the proper procedure in respect of this type of object.