112 Wojciech Januszewski
An outline of the geometric proportion systems in architecture
Proportional systems are arithmetic or geometric methods of organizing architectural form that determine the mutual proportional relationships
of the parts and the whole of an architectural work. The theory of these systems, developed over the centuries, constitutes an essential component of
architectural theory, deserving of rediscovery and reinterpretation in our era.
The purpose of this study is to present a synthetic overview of the issues related to geometric proportional systems in architecture. The article
adopts an interdisciplinary approach, integrating the history and theory of architecture with elements of practical geometry. The research method en-
compasses a literature analysis and an examination of selected geometric methods applied to specic design problems. The article oers an original
perspective on geometric proportional systems, interpreting them as a coherent theory based on interconnected elements, such as similarity of gures,
regulating lines, regular shapes, and dynamic symmetry.
The study portrays proportional systems as a set of exible design methods rooted in elementary geometric principles, empowering architects
to better control the visual relationships of their designed objects of architecture. Simultaneously, the application of such methods necessitates their
harmonious integration with other factors in the design process and subjecting them to critical aesthetic evaluation.
Key words: architecture, geometry, proportion systems, regulating lines, dynamic symmetry
Zarys problematyki geometrycznych systemów proporcji w architekturze
Systemy proporcji są arytmetycznymi lub geometrycznymi metodami organizacji formy architektonicznej, które określają wzajemne relacje mia-
rowe części i całości dzieła architektury. Rozwijana przez wieki teoria tych systemów stanowi istotny komponent teorii architektury, zasługujący na
ponowne odkrywanie i reinterpretację w naszej epoce.
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