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to develop the history and valorization of the plant’s archi-
tecture. As a result of the research and assessment of the
preservation level of the buildings, it was concluded that
the entire complex and its individual buildings should be
covered by monument protection. The preservation of this
important industrial heritage is required by the rich histo-
ry of the power plant, the high level of technology “east
of the Elbe” in the 1
half of the 20
century, the value of
architecture, especially its aesthetic aspect, as well as the
authorship of the outstanding Wrocław architects Richard
and Paul Ehrlich. An important reason is also the fact that
the plant as a workplace was connected with the lives of
many generations of the inhabitants of Siechnice.
Translated by
Bogusław Setkowicz
Veried by
Justine Nnorom
This research was funded by Kogeneracja S.A. under the agreement be-
tween Kogeneracja S.A. and Wrocław University of Science and Tech-