The monastic rule versus the colors of Polish and Bohemian Cistercian architecture in the 12
and 15
centuries 19
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The monastic rule versus the colors of Polish and Bohemian Cistercian architecture in the 12
and 15
The aim of the article is to show the relationship between the monastic rule and the color scheme of Cistercian buildings in the current territories
of Poland and the Czech Republic in the 12
centuries. In the research, which constitutes the basis of the study, the following methods were
used: stratigraphic and architectural in situ as well as historical, analytical and comparative.
The Cistercian monastic rule recommended formal asceticism and so it was forbidden to make colorful paintings, oors, and stained glass win-
dows. As a result of the research, three periods in the color transformation of Cistercian architecture have been distinguished. The rst period (end of
the 12
century – 1
half of the 13
century) was characterized by partial compliance with the aforementioned rules. The second period, which took
place in the 2
half of the 13
century, was the beginning of a departure from formal asceticism. In the third period (14
and 15
centuries), there
was a decisive departure from the original monastic rule. At that time, the color scheme depended on the nancial condition of the order, the level of
the painting abilities and the imagination of creators. The monastic rule fell into oblivion.
Key words: architecture, color, Poland, Bohemia, Cistercians, order, rule
Reguła zakonna a kolorystyka polskiej i czeskiej architektury cysterskiej w XII–XV w.
Celem artykułu jest ukazanie powiązania reguły zakonnej z kolorystyką budowli cysterskich na terenie obecnej Polski i Czech. Przedmiot opra-
cowania stanowi kolorystyka elewacji oraz wnętrz kościołów i klasztorów z XII–XV w., z których część została odkryta przez autorki artykułu, część
ujawniono podczas innych prac konserwatorskich. W badaniach, będących podstawą opracowania, zastosowano metody: stratygraczno-architekto-
niczną in situ oraz historyczno-analityczne i porównawcze.