18 Daria Jagiełło
b) protective painting or its preparation /with splashes
of background and surrounding colours/ (APT AmT D,
ref. no. 6183).
In a letter dated April 1939, the director of the Municipal
Water and Sewage Works, Orłowski, asked for the consent
of the District Oce for the guards of waterworks plants
(Stare and Nowe Bielany and Podgórz) to carry short re-
arms. Such a permit for a rearm with seven rounds was is-
sued to Nowe Bielany in May (APT, AmT D, ref. no. 6183).
The preserved documentation shows that the rst op-
erator, Hohlfeldt, was replaced by semi-skilled operator
Józef Brzozowski, and after his dismissal in 1921, this
function was taken over by Albin Kołaczyński
. In the
same year, a storm tore o the roof tiles of a residential
building (12 m
) and broke 10 windows (APT, AmT D,
ref. no. 6226, 74). In 1935, the operator’s house, which
was renovated (including work on the roof truss, plaster-
ing, painting, removing the linoleum), was inhabited by
Antoni Grabowski (APT, AmT D, ref. no. 1648, 148–149).
After 1939
There is no information about any signicant transfor-
mations or changes in the machine room building after
the war. According to the 1959 inventory, the station was
equipped with two centrifugal pumps Maei-Szchwarz-
kop-Werke GmbH
(Maei-Schwartzkop-Werke GmbH)
and the vertical piston pump “Vakum” by ALG Dechne
Halle O.S.
(“Vacum”, A.L.G. Dehne Maschinenfabrik)
with electric drive, centrifugal pump
(made by A. Bo-
rung) with electric drive, switchboard
, central heating
, high-voltage full-oil switch with manual drive,
two current transformers: oil transformer and dry-type
oil transformer (APT, Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo…, ref.
no. 143, 15).
Henryk Zimny’s design for a chlorination plant locat-
ed in the former fuel room, at the pump hall level, at the
southern end of the storey, comes from 1967 (Zimny 1967)
(Fig. 9). After 1980, the original slate roong was replaced
with sheet metal (roofs) and roof tiles (wall cladding of
the top oor of the tower) (Szczuczko, Wieczorkiewicz
1982). The original solution was restored during adapta-
tion work.
In later years, Kołaczyński was moved to the waterworks’ ser-
vice apartment at 16 Szosa Chełmińska (?) (APT, AmT D, ref. no. 6180;
APT, AmT D, ref. no. 6183; APT, AmT D, ref. no. 6240).
Technical specications: 1) pump serial number 1321, N 1450,
Q 20000l/min, pumping height 65 m, outlet diameter 125 mm, motor
type: Dr. 50/1500, serial number 13176; 2) pump serial number: 1322,
pumping height 60 m, motor serial no. 13177; other parameters as above
(APT, Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo…, ref. no. 143, 5, 7). The data is con-
sistent with the order from 1916 [see extensive correspondence (APT,
AmT C, ref. no. 5990)].
Pump serial number 2177, motor type N 1350, serial number
30913 (APT, Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo…, ref. no. 143, 11).
Pump type Na 10-26, serial number 4939, motor type 2850, se-
rial number 1232 (APT, Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo…, ref. no. 143, 3).
Serial number 54273 (APT, Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo…, ref.
no. 143, 9).
Specication – type RV III Ż(or Z)R, serial number 10648 (APT,
Miej skie Przedsiębiorstwo…, ref. no. 143, 17).
Much greater changes took place within the residential
building. In 1949, a reconstruction project was submitted
for approval, which envisaged the addition of a vestibule
to the western gable wall, providing direct access to the
stairs leading to the attic, and partial reconstruction of
the ground oor. In the attic there is a rectangular living
room (?). The changes on the ground oor were limited to
the north-western part of the building (Fig. 10). The draw-
ings are signed with the name M. Lewandowski. The ac-
ceptance of the work carried out was made on November
24, 1950. The then address of the pumping station complex
was Projektowana Street 106 (APT, AmT G, ref. no. 1227,
1–14). In later years, the attic was fully adapted: a sepa-
rate apartment with a separate entrance was created there.
Extensions were introduced in the roof areas in order to
enlarge the interiors and provide more light; it is also pos-
sible that the eastern gable was pierced at that time and one
large window was placed in place of a pair of narrow win-
dows (as in the western elevation). Two families lived in
the building for the following years (Teczka oso bowa…).
The utility building was also expanded and extended to-
wards the south. On the basis of historic photos and plans,
it can be concluded that this must have happened after
1949 and before 1980 (Szczuczko, Wieczorkiewicz 1982;
APT, AmT G, ref. no. 1227). Before the adaptation, a seam
was still visible on the façade where part of the longitudi-
nal wall had been added
Both in earlier aerial photos from the 1930s and in the
site plan of 1949, the area of the plot on which the complex
was located was not divided by a fence into the northern
part (residential and utility buildings with a garden) and
the southern part (machine room building). The division
in force in later years was introduced before 1980 (APT,
AmT G, ref. no. 1227) (Szczuczko, Wieczorkiewicz 1982,
Fig. 90). During the adaptation, the original solution was
In the years 1952–1953 the intake wells were modern-
ized (lters were replaced). The development of municipal
housing in their immediate vicinity (including the planned
construction of a university campus), the construction of an
intake in Mała Nieszawka and the impossibility of provid-
ing protection zones were (according to a study from 1966)
the main reasons for the planned disconnection of Nowe
Bielany from the city network (Wilczyńska 1966, 2–3). In
the years 1973–1974 four replacement wells were drilled
(at that time the intake consisted of a total of 12 wells);
the old ones served as piezometers (Zimny 1967, 2).
In 1983 the intake was decommissioned. Some of the
wells belonging to the complex served as emergency in-
takes, which could be connected to the city network at any
time in the event of failure of other municipal intakes
. In
The building was marked with a dierent colour in the 1949
documentation (APT, AmT G, ref. no. 1227). Perhaps the creation of
an additional living space in the attic was connected with the expansion
of the building and the allocation of additional utility rooms to the new
tenant. Another possibility is that the facility was built in 1949, e.g., on
the site of a former stable, which was not characterized in any way in the
archives, and it was expanded in later years.
According to the documentation, in 1990, four of the eight wells
were inactive [see, among others: (Karta rejestracyjna…)].