For authors

Editors of the scientific magazine “Architectus”, with the intention of facilitating editorial works, would like to ask all of our Authors to comply with the suggested principles of preparing texts and illustrations.

General information

The Editors accept unpublished scientific articles which tackle issues concerned with history of architecture and urban planning, conservation and protection of architectural monuments, theory of architecture and urban planning, design practice and contemporary paradigms of architecture, traditional and new technologies in architecture, architecture and art, aesthetics in architecture, ethics in architecture, architectural education. Submit an article

A scientific article should be understood as a text presenting the results of original empirical, theoretical, technical or analytical research, with an appropriate structure, presenting the current state of knowledge, research methodology, the course of the research process, its results and conclusions, cited literature (references).

Other non-discretionary publications (usually un-reviewed) are also accepted to be published in the following sections:

From 2021, texts of articles are published in English. The editorial office accept papers in the Polish language. After receiving positive reviews and approval of the article by editors, the author is obliged to deliver the English version of the article (editors do not translate texts into the English language), whereas the works of foreign authors are accepted and printed in English. The entire article should include from 20,000 to 35,000 characters with spaces (including references).

Submission of the article is tantamount to accepting the procedures for qualifying articles for publication valid in the journal and granting WrocƂaw University of Science and Technology an exclusive, unpaid, unlimited license for the following fields of exploitation: introducing the work into the computer memory, recording and duplicating the work with various techniques, placing copies of the multiplied work on the market, introduction to publicly available computer networks, dissemination of the work, making it available in electronic form in such a way that everyone can have access to it in a place and time chosen by them (e.g. on the journal’s website), placing the work in libraries and digital repositories, for example in the Lower Silesian Digital Library and online, open access databases, e.g. POL-index, ICI Journal Master List, BazTech, CEJSH, and promoting the article on social media using published figures.

After acceptance of the article for printing, the Publisher is entitled to the general rights of printing and propagating in all fields of exploitation. The magazine is published in open access under the CC BY NC ND license.

The original version of the journal is on-line.

Authors do not bear any costs for submitting articles for publication.


By sending their works to us, the Authors hereby consent to the reviewing process. All the works sent to us become subject to assessment, first by the Editors and next by two independent reviewers (they are not members of the scientific unit affiliated by the author of the article). The principle of bilateral anonymity (double-blind review) is obligatory. The author is informed about the result of the review. Te final decision as to the acceptance for printing purposes is taken by the Editor-in-chief (and the subject/guest editor).

Criteria for accepting articles for publication:

The names of the Reviewers are not disclosed to individual authors. Reviewers, undertaking the task of preparing an opinion, undertake to maintain confidentiality, reliability, objectivity and not to use the reviewed works for their personal needs or benefits. They also give consent to the inclusion of their names and surnames and affiliation on the website of the periodical in a collective list of reviewers cooperating with the journal in a given year.

Prevention of scientific non-reliability The journal has adopted the principles of publication ethics that are consistent with the guidelines of the Committee for Publication Ethics (COPE). The Editorial Office does not accept articles in which there are occurrences of “ghostwriting” and “guest authorship”, and all detected cases of scientific non-reliability shall be revealed by the Editorial Office.

Detailed rules are presented in bookmark “Publication ethics” on the journal’s website.


The text of the article should be provided to the Editor with illustrative material in electronic form (text in .doc, .docx format, illustrations – uncompressed – in commonly used graphic formats: .jpg, .TIFF, .bmp). Articles must be anonymous to reviewers, so make sure that any information that identifies the author/authors of the article in the main text, footnotes and bibliography have been removed.

I. Page 1 of the work must contain:

II. Substantive guidelines

The article should contain:

A. Text part:

The title of the article must correspond to the content of the study.

  1. Introduction:

    a. concise presentation of the research problem – thematic, temporal, and territorial scope

    b. reason for taking up the topic, the goal of research, hypothesis

    c. a brief description of the content of the article.

  2. State of research (selection, up to 10 items).

  3. Description of own research:

    a. time of conducting of research and research methods

    b. research results.

  4. Conclusions.

  5. Summary – what new was successfully added to the state of knowledge, what could not be established, research postulates.

  6. Acknowledgments.

  7. References.

  8. Abstract and key words in Polish and English.

B. Illustrative part

The editorial staff is committed to adhering to the principle that the objects described are well known to the author and that they have been examined by the author personally, not via the Internet. Therefore, we expect a minimum of 30% of the author’s own photos. This rule was adopted in connection with the mass production of compilation articles with illustrations taken only from the Internet.

III. Detailed directions

Abstract − each article must be accompanied by its abstract in two language versions (Polish and English). The abstract cannot exceed 300 words. It is an independent showcase of every article, usually independently operating in databases. For this reason, it should be prepared to encourage readers to read. It is important that its concise form ought to reproduce the content of the work as accurately as possible. It must therefore contain an introduction to the subject of the article, goals, research methodology and conclusions.

Keywords (3–5 words).

Footnotes − we suggest using footnotes pertaining to the subject matter (commenting and completing the basic text), and not being only references to the bibliography.

Abbreviations, symbols, foreign language expressions − we recommend using only the standard abbreviations or symbols and we urge you to remember to quote the full name the first time a given expression appears in the text.


The bibliography should be arranged alphabetically. It cannot contain more than 30 items. Each of these items should have an appropriate reference in the text (author’s name, year of publication). The bibliography should be placed at the end of the text. Bibliographic entry in accordance with “The Chicago Manual of Style” is required.

Author-date style:

Using author-date style, the sourced text is indicated parenthetically with the last name(s) of the author(s) and the year of publication with no intervening punctuation.
Research has found that students do not always cite their work properly (Smith 2016).

When page numbers are used, they are placed along with the author’s last name and date of publication after an interposed comma.
Research has found that students do not always cite their work properly (Smith 2016, 24).

If the author’s name is used in the text, only the date of publication need be cited parenthetically (with or without the page number).
Research done by Smith found that students do not always cite their work properly (2016).

Example of book and article regulations:

Books: Author’s last and first name. Book Title. Publisher city: Publisher Name, year of publication.
Banham, Reyner. Megastructure: Urban Futures of the Recent Past. London: Thames and Hudson, 1976.

Chapters of books: Author’s last and first name. “Article Title.” In Book Title, edited by Name author, pages. Publisher city: Publisher Name, year of publication.
Beek J. van de. “Adolf Loos - Patterns of Town Houses.” In Raumplan versus Plan Libre, ed. by Max Risselada, 35-36. Rotterdam: 010 Publishers, 2008.

Journal article: Author’s last and first name. “Article title.” Journal Title volume number, no. number issue (Month and year of publication): pages.
Lizondo Sevilla L., Santa Tecla J., and Salvador Lujan N. “Mies in Brussels 1934. Synthesis of an Unbuilt Exhibition Architecture.” VLC arquitectura Research Journal 3, no. 1 (April 2016): 25-43.

Website: Website Title. “Article Name.” Accessed date, year. Link to the website.
Yale University. “About Yale: Yale Facts.” Accessed May 1, 2017.

Illustrations and charts

The work can contain up to 10 illustrations (depending on the work’s size). All the illustrations and charts must be numbered (in accordance with the order in which they are discussed/they appear in the text) and captioned (if possible, in two language versions, i.e. Polish and English). The text should have reference to all illustrations and charts (in the appropriate order, in brackets).


Works not prepared in accordance with the recommendations will be sent back to the Author for supplementation.

Author’s correction

After editing the article and accepting the texts to be printed, the authors do not change the text, you can only correct errors that result from the formatting and introducing necessary editorial corrections in the text. Authors are required to make the author’s correction within 3 days of receiving the text.

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