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the addition of new green areas, rows of trees along the
streets and isolation green zones,
â adaptation of land depressions and green areas to creî
ate optimal conditions for local rainwater retention,
â shaping active frontages of buildings enclosing the
public spaces by establishing binding building lines and
additional arrangements of the development plan, both on
the drawing and in the building form indicators in the texî
tual arrangements,
â arrangements on the drawing of the plan with key
places which are important for the urban composition, with
a gradation of the strictness of regulatory provisions: from
strict provisions in key places â nodes of the spatial strucî
ture, to greater îexibility in less important places,
â structural elements to promote sustainable mobility,
such as pedestrian and bicycle routes, a grid of neighbourî
hood streets, as well as clear spatial links to public transî
portation stops.
The described concepts and local development plans
aimed at concretizing the idea of the compact city in the reî
alities of mediumîsized cities in Poland, showing both the
possibilities of its implementation and the challenges of
adapting general principles to the local context. The analyî
sis of the cases presented in the article can contribute to the
improvement of practices and research work related to the
materialization of the ideas of the compact city and their
implementation in relation to individual locations, as well
as to the ways of translating the concept into the provisions
of local plans. The described cases are undoubtedly also
an example of the inadequacy of the planning instruments
available in Poland, as pointed out by numerous critical
studies (e.g., [32]).
The 2023 amendment to the Spatial Planning and Deî
velopment Act [13] introduced changes to improve the
ineî””ective planning mechanisms in Poland. At the stage
of adopting the law, one of the demands was to strengthen
the role of urban design and to include the development of
an urban design concept as one of the mandatory elements
of spatial planning for the development of urban builtîup
areas. In the end, this was not included in the law. Nevî
ertheless, numerous examples of successive architectural
and urban design competitions held in recent years show
the spread of the idea of the compact city. In this context,
it is advisable to improve the methods of shaping the urî
ban structure and to translate the solutions developed in the
processes of research by design into planning regulations
and standards.
Translated by
MichaĆ Stangel