Art for animals – animals in the art. Architectural symptoms of the presence of animals in urban space

Justyna Kleszcz



The paper discusses issues related to the visible signs of animals in cities, which are expressed in the form of artistic, and in particular architectural, creativity. The article focuses on determining general reasons for the growing interest in animals as recipients of creative activities in urban space, combining this phenomenon with the formation of new philosophical currents and the emergence of urban/public applied art intended for a constantly expanding group of users. The conducted research allowed to present in a synthetic way the basic division of these elements, which in modern cities were intended for animals depending on the scale of impact, determined stability or variability in space and the level of interaction between human and non-human users, giving a number of examples of the progressing process of animalization of contemporary urbanized areas. The basic conclusion of the analysis is a gradual transition from objectivity to subjectivity of animals in the broadly understood urban art with a huge variety of its forms.

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