Bastion fortifications in Wiązów and Żórawina as an example of less known Silesian implementations by Hans Schneider von Lindau

Rafał Śledzik-Kamiński



The article is devoted to early modern fortification builder Hans Schneider von Lindau. The aim of the work was to present a professional career of this fortification builder and his bastion fortifications thanks to the studies of source literature as well as archival iconographic and cartographic materials. The fortifications in two smaller centers, i.e. Wiązów and Żórawina, were researched. In Żórawina, it was possible to determine the hitherto uncertain authorship and to pinpoint the construction time of fortifications, namely for the years 1597–1602. In general, the author of the article claims that the fortifications designed by Hans Schneider von Lindau in smaller centers were as modern as the bastion fortifications he erected in larger towns.

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