Colour as an element ordering the common space in educational objects. On the example of Maria Dąbrowska Primary School No. 1 in Wrocław

Ewa Netczuk-Pol



The article discusses general issues related to creating the space of educational objects in terms of colour. The perception of school space is influenced by many factors such as light, temperature, air quality, space flexibility, sense of belonging, space complexity and colour. The latter plays an important role in the perception of rooms and influences human behaviour, because apart from sound and smell, it is one of the most important stimuli perceived by our brain. Nevertheless, most of the existing schools in Poland which were built up to 1990 do not take into account colour as a factor influencing student behaviour. This issue has only recently received attention. This article presents a case study of Maria’s Dąbrowska Primary School No. 1 in Wrocław. For the needs of this school, as part of the “Constructing Cultural Educational Space” program organized by Wrocław Contemporary Museum, a project was prepared to introduce colour into the interior while maintaining the historical character and substance of the object and taking into account the influence of colour on the child’s psyche. The presented interior rearrangement project may become the beginning of further research on the issue of colour and its role in shaping educational spaces.

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