24 Edwin Orsel
expresses his status and living wishes according to his
ability. Many houses had only the 1
oor and an attic,
but there were also houses with an upper oor and a large
storage cellar
. The houses stand in a row on the street, in
a city whose street pattern has been preserved to this day.
They no longer show in the present street scene, but this
medieval Leiden is still present in the current inner city,
hidden behind younger façades [6], [4].
As one of the largest medieval cities in the Netherlands,
Leiden is an important source for building archaeological
research. Because the city has never suered major de-
struction, caused by city res or wars for example, there
is a richly layered historic city centre. During structural
building archaeological research by the municipal build-
ing archaeologists of Erfgoed Leiden, the remains of ap-
proximately 150 buildings from before 1400 have been
documented. In combination with dendrochronological,
archaeological and historical data, it can be established
that from around 1300 onwards, a new construction prin-
ciple emerged that evolved from the older timber and
stone building traditions. The constructive combination of
the stone house with the timber frame build house with
its characteristic timberframe construction gives rise to
the socalled stone building with timberframe. This de-
The imposing twostory houses in particular have been preserved
in Leiden because they were well suited to later modications in the
centuries to follow.
velopment is the result of the urbanisation of Leiden in
the 13
century with the growth of the population, urban
densication and the creation of guilds. The issuing of
re prevention measures and the payment of subsidies
by the city government aimed at reproong stone walls
and roong materials also played an important role. The
development was also determined by the availability of
building materials. According to the dendrochronolog-
ical data, construction wood had to be imported from
Westphalia or Emsland (Germany). Natural stone was
not available locally and had to be brought in from far
away, until in the 13
century a ourishing brick industry
developed along the Rhine, just outside the city gates of
Leiden. With the new architectural principle of relative-
ly thin brick walls, structural timber framing and truss-
es, the craftsmen, inuenced by the available building
materials, respond inventively to both the demand of the
growing bourgeoisie and that of the city administration
for highquality and resafe buildings in a nascent city.
The timber frame and the trusses provide the loadbearing
structure and the stone walls and roong the re safety. In
around 1400, the Leiden citizen who could aord it lived
in a stone house with a structural timber frame, with the
city council subsidising the stone roong in the pursuit of
a resafe city. Many houses had only the ground oor
and an attic, but there were also houses with an upper oor
and a large storage cellar. The houses stand in a row on the
street, in a town whose street pattern has been preserved
to this day. They are no longer visible in the street scene,
but this medieval Leiden, hidden behind younger façades,
is still present in today’s city centre as an important source
for historical research.
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