Determining the optimal distance between buildings based on the solar altitude angle to facilitate appropriate illumination in residential interiors in accordance with current legislation

Małgorzata Bartnicka



The article touches upon the subject of the availability of sunlight in residential interiors. The distance between buildings is one of the crucial factors responsible for the penetration of sunlight into interiors. The optimal distance can be calculated algebraically and to determine the output data it is sufficient to know the location of the obscuring building in relation to the north.      The aim of the article is to propose an alternative way to check the access of sunlight without the need to create a 3D model and computer simulation. Using the presented method, it is possible to determine the optimal distance between buildings, which will guarantee no shading to the existing building.     The proposed solution derives from the graphic approach to this subject presented in Mieczysław Twarowski’s book Słońce w architekturze [The Sun in Architecture], i.e. to the so-called sun ruler. The author proposes to change the graphic plotting of the shadow into an algebraic conversion of the distance between buildings. For the calculations, known formulas for the height of the sun (α) and for the azimuth of the sun (γ) were used. As a result of the analysis of spatial layouts of buildings and the possibility of shading, original formulas for calculating the distance between buildings were derived. The obtained result reflects the proportion between the distance and height of the building (W = xH) at a specific time for the selected latitude.     The publication proves that it is possible to determine the optimal distances between buildings in an algebraic way without the need for CAD programs. The presented formulas may be used as an instrument for checking the correctness of the non-shading charts presented by investors in multi-family housing projects. At the same time, these formulas can be used to calculate the approximate height of the proposed building depending on the expected distance between that building and existing buildings.

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