î Documentationîofîtheîmostîimportantîpetroglyphsââ/âDokumentacjaînajwaĆŒniejszychîpetroglifĂłwî 57
â The focus should be permanently îżxed at a distance
that will guarantee sharpness for all the images at the giv-
en aperture size;
â To avoid the eî””ect of vibrations, the shutter speed
should be high, so good lighting conditions are necessary
since raising the ASA value to high will result in grainy
â There should be a minimum of 75% vertical and
horizontal overlap between adjacent images;
â Too many photos may result in a blurry and noisy 3D
model, so good planning of camera positions is advisable.
The additional beneîżt of using the photogrammetric
method is îexibility during the acquisition phase, which
enables data collection in places not directly accessible to
hand-held scanners.
When the 3D model of the inspected artefact is ready
(at this point the scanner or photogrammetry obtained
do not matter), the phase of rendering images in a vir-
tual lighting-array will start. The lesson we learned from
our virtual rig prototype includes the following observa-
â In some cases, the 54 predeîżned lighting positions
of our virtual rig were not sucient, so an additional set
of rigs should be deîżned;
â In order to assure good reproduction of all details,
the script automating successive renderings should in-
clude adjusting the size of the frame according to the real
size and proportions of the 3D model (the âTriple Snakeâ
petroglyph is a good example where the rendered object
occupied less than 50% of the image);
â More studies are necessary to establish light deîż-
nitions and material properties optimal for the proposed
vRTI and vPTM techniques.
Further studies will show if the proposed workîow is
also adequate for documenting and analysing artefacts
other than bas-relief petroglyphs.
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Theîpresentedîworkîisî aî partîofî theî researchî sponsoredî byîtheî grantî givenî
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calera, contributed to this research by providing the accommodation