100 Daria Bręczewska-Kulesza
“Esgrafiado segoviano” as an expression of the city’s regional tradition and identity
The historic centre of Segovia abounds in buildings with façades entirely or partially covered with sgrato decoration. Consistently applied and
developed over the centuries, this consistent form of façade decoration has become a distinctive feature of the architecture of the city and the region.
The aim of the article is to investigate Segovian sgrato as an expression of the regional tradition and identity of the city.
During the research, historical studies were carried out on the development of the sgrato tradition in Spain. They allowed to emphasize the
distinctiveness of this form of decoration in Segovia compared to other centers. A critical analysis of literature and sources as well as architectural
and conservation studies was performed. In situ tests were also carried out, during which a rich photographic material was collected, necessary for
the formal analysis of the tested decorations.
The article follows the development of the sgrato technique in Segovia against a historical background. A brief analysis of the formal decoration
was carried out based on the in-situ studies carried out by the author. Subsequently, the inuence of sgrato on the cohesion of the city’s architecture
was investigated. Finally, it was considered whether sgrato could become part of the identity and business card of the city. The article focuses on the
decorative function of sgrato as part of regional architecture. After analysing the historical and contemporary aspects of the development of sgrato
in Segovia, this form of decoration can be considered as a regional phenomenon, representing a factor for the identity of the city, which, together with
the aqueduct, can become the symbol of Segovia.
Key words: Segovia, sgrato, elements of city’s identity
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