Exalted craftsmen 4.0

Borys Siewczyński



The article attempts to confront contemporary BIM ideas and conditions of integrated design and virtualization of the digital design environment with the Bauhaus ideas and to capture possible similarities, discrepancies, unchanging elements – resulting from the very nature of the design process or the human nature of “craftsmen” – designers and artists – interdisciplinary co-creating architectural works in the contemporary reality of construction 4.0. It has been shown that interdisciplinary design supported by digital technologies can naturally become a practical implementation of the idea of Gropius. It was pointed out that by learning mutual respect, improving the organizational, technical, and coordination skills of project teams, we have a chance to still notice and appreciate the importance of the essential element – Gropius’ inspiration – an artistic spark that is often neglected in the contemporary technicized reality. By showing the timeless role of design graphics as an indispensable element of the design process, the topicality of the Bauhaus teaching was emphasized.

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