70 Dominika StrzaĆka-Rogal
building renovation carried out. At the same time, improv-
ing the thermal and functional parameters of old windows,
while respecting the historic character (and often even sav-
ing money) is possible [8]. When examining old original
wooden windows (pre-1950) that are being replaced with
new double-glazed windows, it can be seen that many of
them are in excellent condition and that they can be easily
repaired and energy upgraded at a much lower cost than re-
placing them with equivalent new double-glazed windows
[2]. In a situation where old original wooden windows in
historic buildings can achieve better energy performance,
have less maintenance, and have a lifespan 10â20 times
longer than equivalent new double-glazed windows, there
is no energy or economic argument, let alone an environ-
mental one, in favour of replacing old windows with new
double-glazed windows [5].
In fact, replacement windows can have unrealistic pay-
back periods, and many are dicult to maintain and pre-
serve. In many cases, given the life-cycle costs and mainte-
nance of the historic fabric, repairing and restoring historic
windows proves to be not only environmentally and aes-
thetically sound, but also economical [20]. Alternative ma-
terials, such as aluminium or vinyl and îżberglass, which
have been used to replace historic original windows, result
in a short lifespan. The decision to replace or refurbish win-
dows also requires thinking in terms of sustainability. The
author points out the trade-oî”” between material gains and
the long-term impact of the action taken, not only on the
building in question, but also on the architectural, environ-
mental and economic context, in order to îżnd appropriate
energy eciency solutions.
Retroîżtting is generally less costly than collective repla-
cement and preserves the greatest amount of historic ma-
terial. It also allows preservation of the invested energy
put into material processing, labour, transportation. Em-
bedded energy is lost when windows go to the landîżll.
Scrapping must also be added to the costs incurred [3].
In addition to the loss of architectural value as a result
of replacing carpentry elements, a lot of technical damage
to the building is observed. Old windows are often con-
structed of old lumber with good structural details, mak-
ing them more durable and easier to maintain than new
replacement windows [17]. With proper maintenance,
they can last for decades, and repair costs over the life of
a building are less than the cost of periodic replacement
[18]. Repair costs typically
also represent an investment
in labour that beneîżts the local economy and does not in-
volve gathering resources or shipping products from a dis-
tant production site [5]. Sustainable construction is about
using fewer non-renewable resources. The goal of preser-
vation and renovation by eye will not just be to reduce the
monthly heating bill, but the overall and long-term envi-
ronmental impact of the actions taken [19]. Wasting the
energy used to extract raw materials, manufacture, trans-
port, install and maintain an existing window worsens the
overall balance of energy.
Based on the analysis of research results presented in
selected literature, it can be concluded that the preserva-
tion of historic window frames aî””ects the success of the
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