Historical wooden-pillared Kenan Dede Yanik mosque – restoration proposal

Fikret Bademci



In addition to their historical value, wooden-pillared mosques are important in terms of their construction technique and use of materials. These buildings document the development of mosque architecture. In wooden-pillared mosques, which are few in number, wood comes to the fore not only as a load-bearing material but also as the material of building elements and decorations. In addition to door and window joinery, the minaret, pulpit, mihrab and lectern are also made of wood in mosques with wooden poles.     Located in Konya Province of Turkey, Kenan Dede Yanık Mosque is also a wooden pillared building. The building, which has seen some repairs and restorations in the historical process, was damaged by fire and was rebuilt. This study has been prepared in order to restore the current state of this wooden pillared mosque, which also has historical value after reconstruction. In the study, a literature review about the building was made and the current state of the mosque was documented by photographing. The deterioration of the construction was determined and a restoration proposal was developed.

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