76 Janusz Kogut, Jacek Kościuk, Anna Kubicka
Acknowledgements /Podziękowania
The presented work is part of the research sponsored by the grant giv-
en to the Wrocław University of Science and Technology by the Polish
National Science Centre (grant No. 2014/15/B/HS2/01108). Additio-
nally, the municipality of Samaipata, represented by Mayor Falvio Ló
pes Escalera, contributed to this research by providing the accommo-
dation during the eldwork in June and July 2016, as well as in July
2017. The Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Bolivia kindly granted
all necessary permits (UDAM No. 014/2016; UDAM No. 060/2017).
The research was conducted in close cooperation with the Centre for
PreColumbian Studies of the University of Warsaw in Cusco. Spe-
cialists from many other universities and research centres also joined
the project.
El Fuerte de Samaipata, commonly known as Samaipata, is an archaeological site in Bolivia. It was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List
in 1998. The most characteristic feature of the site is a natural rock that served as a wak’a (sacred place) for several local, pre-Hispanic cultures, so
its current condition is the result of at least 1200 years of development.
Towards the end of the 20
century and beginning of the 21
century, Samaipata was comprehensively studied and documented by German scholars.
Due to the threat of progressing erosion, a new documentation project was executed by a Polish team. The main objective of the project was to doc-
ument the vanishing site using 3D laser scanning.
Most of the research already published on Samaipata concentrates on the complex arrangement of niches and terraces, gural and geometrical petro-
glyphs, as well as canals and water reservoirs at the site. The long rows of small circular holes drilled into the rock attract less scholarly attention.
They are commonly associated with the vertical posts used for traditional quincha walls. Since there are doubts about the ability of the quincha wall
to resist the extremely strong winds on the top of the rock, the Authors conducted computer simulations to clarify these reservations. The 3D model
was based on 3D laser scanning results, while FEM was used to solve structural analysis problems.
Key words: Fuerte de Samaipata, Bolivia, rock art, quincha walls, numerical modeling
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