Korona Sports Club – a model project of Socialist Realism

Jerzy Wowczak



The subject of this article is the complex of Korona Sports Club in Kraków which has not been described in detail before. This work depicts the unique value and, based on a thorough source query, the history of this precious example of architecture in the 1950s in Poland. A lot of space was also devoted to the history of the facility transformations and its present state of repair. The discussed sports facilities complex was designed by Jan Krug in 1951. When the design was approved, it was considered “model sports conglomerate” by the board of the Ministry of Sports and Physical Culture. Also other outstanding artists contributed to the creation of Korona Sports Club. The interior design was developed by Zbigniew Chudzikiewicz, and the ceramic wall decorations made using the proprietary “piropiktura” technology were made by Helena and Roman Husarscy. The sports buildings at Kalwaryjska Street in Kraków are a mature example of functionalism giving the message of sparing, Modernist Classicism. Their noble form eludes the doctrine Socialist Realist standards in force in the 1950s in Poland. We should strive to preserve their undoubted values during the necessary future modernisation works.

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