Legnica’s Grenadier Barracks as a cultural capital in the urban space

Marta M. Rudnicka-Bogusz



The purpose of the article was to demonstrate that in garrison towns, barracks are a cultural capital because they are on many levels the carriers of intangible heritage and tradition related to the presence of the army in historic towns. Second incentive was an introduction to the discussion on their protection through suitable revalorization from the point of view of preserving their typological characteristics.     The article presents a synthetic description of the evolution of Legnica garrison before World War II, the development of the Grenadier barracks complex at Hutników Street in Legnica and a detailed stylistic analysis of the 19th century buildings making up the complex.     In the course of the research, it was possible to establish the determinants thanks to which the historical barracks of Legnica are not only the features of the city, its resource, but its cultural capital, i.e. a resource that can be used both materially and ideologically to build prestige etc. Legnica became a garrison town at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, which significantly affected the cultural landscape, population and real-estate market. Majestic barracks, built with state money, proved the government’s special attention and enhanced the aesthetic value of the city’s landscape. An ascetic, yet expressive style helped build an impression of the wealth of the state that founded the barracks and the clearly defined typology of complexes allowed for their immediate recognition in the urban space. A vast supply of barracks was one of the reasons why post war the military took up seat in Legnica, which is also one of the founding myths of the city. That is why it is so important that the barracks in the garrison cities are revitalized with respect to historiographic values as exemplified by the Grenadier Complex, and not rebuilt, densified or demolished. The regeneration efforts must observe the plan and architectural form of buildings, which are the hallmarks of military architecture.

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