ŁódźFabrycznaRailwayStation–aprogressorregressinrailwayarchitecture? 73
ond is the introduction of clear visual information, preced-
ed by an analysis driven by empathy. And the third one is
masking the deciencies with greenery. Something can be
gained in this way: for example, a good hectare of lawn
and greenery in the place of a dead and unused cobble-
stone surface. This would be a much more civilised way to
expect the future completion of the entire station complex,
which, anyway, will only heal some of the awkwardness.
Against the background of other comparable railway
stations in Poland, and notwithstanding the design aws,
Fabryczna is not completely bad anyway: enough to men-
tion Poznań Główny, where the entire station layout was
disorganized as a result of a misconceived new invest-
ment. Kraków Główny, in turn, is a fairly ecient “station
machine” derived straight from the aesthetics of modern-
ism, completely devoid of ambition to create its own leg-
ible landmark in the city, like the infamous Pennsylvania
Station in Manhattan after the 1960s reconstruction. In
this sense, Fabryczna is trying to t in with the trend of
returning the world of meanings to railway architecture,
which has been around for about three decades.
Progress or regress then? To sum up, the measure sug-
gested in the epilogue of the Edwards’ treatise on railway
stations at the end of the 20
century could be used [24].
As an “urban element”, the Łódź station, despite its cen-
tral location and ambitions in the sphere of semantics,
does not t well into the surroundings and the uses of the
city, constituting an oversized, mono-functional “island”.
The “expression of the structure”, readable from the east,
is disturbed by the dotted chaos of skylights, and more-
over, it is associated with overwhelmingness rather than
with the nesse of engineering art. The “harmony of ar-
chitecture and engineering” is burdened with the random-
ness of a number of elements and details, starting from the
roof nish, and ending with the clash of the street space
with formal brutality of a large roong. “Fusion of design
skills”, despite the inclusion of platform space and trains
themselves within the architectural work, clearly suers
from a lack of formal unication (historicising hall) and
nishing (closed service premises). Finally, the role of
“a bridge across the millennia” is burdened with an an-
ti-ecological aura and is still only an unspecied promise
of a transport hub for the railway of the future.
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