Medical Cannabis Bank on the Tamka Island in Wrocław

Elżbieta Komendacka, Paweł Kirschke



The article presents the project of the Cannabis Bank headquarter by Elżbieta Komendacka, which got awarded with an honorable mention in the international architectural competition for theCannabis Bank headquarters organized in 2016 by Bee Breeders . The theme was to design a universal form of the building for the Medical Cannabis Bank so the solution could easily be adapted to any location in the world. The proposal has a very simple design. Numerous facilities have been implied in order to create a pleasant atmosphere opposite to the current negative associations with marijuana. The building program has been extended with the research and educational facilities. The project is given in two variants. The basic with its universal character and the extended one that is adapted to the requirements of the location on the Tamka Island in Wrocław.

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