Medieval architecture of the Dominican church in Opole and its transformations 45
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The multi-stage research of the Dominican church, the
so-called “na Górce” in Opole, enabled the transforma-
tions of its architecture to be outlined from probably the
end of the 13
century until the 1
half of the 18
In the existing structure of the church, it was not possible
to nd the remains of the rst municipal parish church
from the 13
century, but relics of the chancel’s wall – of
probably a monastic church mentioned in 1295 – were
found. In addition, it was possible to discuss the layout
and architecture of the church, which was consecrated in
August 1361. This church consisted of a three-bay chan-
cel and a four-bay two-aisle asymmetrical body. The the-
ses regarding the current eastern closure of the chancel,
which was probably built in around 1399, were veried.
The research results also allowed for the determination of
the scope and chronology of the transformations of the
church in the Baroque period, which were carried out after
the res in 1682 and 1739. The scope of the latter works
seems particularly interesting due to the abandoned and
uncompleted concept of an asymmetric, two-nave body
with high windows on the southern side.
The research results presented above shed new light on
the form of the building of the Gothic monastic church
from around 1361, as well as on the chronology and scope
of its transformations. They also prove that analyses
that are based only on literature and the general view of
a building, which are conducted by a researcher without
an architecture workshop, lead to supercial ndings that
are often signicantly dierent from reality. The research
results presented above, along with the publications con-
cerning convent churches in Wrocław [25, pp. 11–50] or
Lewin Brzeski [26, pp. 5–16], are also an important voice
in the discussion regarding the shaping and evolution of
the architecture of Dominican churches in Silesia.
Translated by
Zuzanna Fyall