Modern adaptations of farm complexes in the area of the Jelenia Góra Valley

Aleksandra Marcinów



In recent years, when an increasing number of old residences are being adapted for contemporary uses, farm complexes which accompany those residences are beginning to play a more significant role. After World War II, these structures were often neglected by their various users. Currently, they are often radically changing their original purpose. This means an important interference in their historic substance. The aim of the research was to show to what extent the work being carried out on valuable farm buildings ensures the preservation of their authenticity. The study examined five complexes in the Jelenia Góra Valley (Bukowiec, Łomnica, Staniszów Dolny, Staniszów Górny, Wojanów). The farm complexes chosen for hotel purposes have lost their authenticity value to the largest degree (Staniszów Dolny, Staniszów Górny, Wojanów) while those whose present uses are connected to the original ones have preserved more of their authenticity (Łomnica). In Bukowiec, the impact of the works on the historic substance will only be seen in a few years when works on all of its objects are completed. The examples show that the adaptation of farm complexes results, above all, in a decrease in authenticity of function, material, and the technological and constructional structure of the building. The authenticity of impact and associations connected with a historic building is also lost to a large measure.

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