Otherness as a value. Camp and the multicolored architecture of Hundertwasser

Karolina Jaklewicz



Due to the lack of an unambiguous aesthetic classification of Friedensreich Hundertwasser’s architectural designs, in this text his multicoloured creative activity will be analyzed through the prism of camp aesthetics. The aim of the article is to present Hundertwasser’s design creativeness in a new context, taking into account the criteria of camp sensitivity and asthetics. Our analysis will be made with reference to theoretical texts and direct experience. The reflection on the works of Hundertwasser will consider both the criteria included in Susan Sontag’s text “Notes on Camp”, which is fundamental to camp aesthetics, as well as the later considerations of Camp researchers who pay attention not so much to the object as to the person who camps (CzapliƄski, Booth, Meyer, Mauriùs). “The eye of the beholder”, i.e. sensitivity of the recipient, will also be important for camp. The key issue will be colour without which it would be difficult to write about the Austrian artist’s objects in the context of camp aesthetics. The following text is an attempt at a new perspective on Hundertwasser and perhaps it will serve the acceptance of “misfits” as well as their “otherness” and will broaden the fields of mutual acceptance.

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