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Professor Jacek Kościuk
A tall gure stands in front of a laser scanner. A hat,
glasses, and a gently smoldering cigarette. It is Professor
Jacek Kościuk working on a new research material. The
location? It could be a medieval castle in Poland, the Tem-
ple of Hatshepsut or a late antique Christian pilgrimage
centre in Abû Mînâ, both in Egypt, as well as Machu Pic-
chu in Peru or a Bolivian archaeological site of Fuerte de
Samaipata, and many others.
Professor Jacek Kościuk is characterized by the sen-
sitivity of a humanist and the precise mind of an engi-
neer. He is a person with exceptionally broad interests,
ranging from the general issues, such as the theory of de-
sign, through the architecture of Wrocław and Lower Sile-
sia, ancient and early Middle Ages Mediterranean, and
pre-Columbian South America constructions to computer
modelling and advanced 3D scanning methods in various
elds of applications.
On the occasion of his retirement, we present the pro-
le and remarkable achievements of our dear Master and
Friend (Fig. 1).
Jacek Kościuk was born in 3.10.1951 in Mielec.
He started his studies at the Faculty of Architecture
of Wrocław University of Science and Technology in
1969 and remained strongly connected to our university
throughout most of his academic and teaching career.
From the beginning of his studies, Jacek Kościuk
was deeply interested in the history of architecture and
the interactions between monuments and new buildings.
During his studies, he was engaged enthusiastically in
student life (Fig. 2). Ha also keenly participated in the
activities of the Institute of History of Architecture, Art,
and Technology, both in the eld (e.g., research on the
Castle in Iłża) and in conservation projects, as well as
in a students’ scientic movement. Having obtained his
diploma in 1974, with a thesis Residential and Industri-
al Units supervised by Professor Bolesław Szmidt from
the Department of Industrial Buildings Design, he started
DOI: 10.37190/arc240112
Published in open access. CC BY NC ND license
Fig. 1. Jacek Kościuk (drawing by E. Niemczyk)
Il. 1. Jacek Kościuk (rys. E. Niemczyk)
DOI: 10.5277/arc180108
Jadwiga Sławińska was born on June 20, 1927 in Łódź.
During the German occupation of Poland, as only few of her
co-workers knew, she was in the Warsaw Ghetto, from where
she managed to escape just before the final liquidation. After
the war, she continued her education while working profes-
sionally. She graduated from secondary school in 1948 in
Łódź. This extremely dramatic period is described by Professor
Alina Drapella-Hermansdorfer, i.e. One day, her mother
forced her to escape from the Łódź Ghetto. The daughter of
Estera and Ruwin Linde was a teenager when she came to
Pomerania to work in the field after a few months of wander-
ing through forests and more or less successful attempts to join
the resistance movement. The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising ended
in defeat and Jadwiga with a new identity somehow miracu-
lously was assigned to help on the farm. She was alone in an
alien place, cut off from contacts and messages from the out-
side. The arrival of the front meant a chance for her to return
home. Without waiting for the end of the war, she took a job as
a secretary in Gdańsk in the structures of the rebuilding state.
In the ones as they were at that time. As a German-speaking
person, she was sent to the information section for a few
months, which was later reminded in relation to her by the
Institute of National Remembrance (IPN), not taking into
account the context or the fact that she left for Łódź using the
first possible opportunity. How ever, no one waited for her in
the surviving quarters of the former Litzmannstadt-Ghetto.
Jadwiga graduated from secondary school and went to
Wrocław as if it were the Pro mised Land. She was 21 years old
with an unbearable baggage of memories. After moving to
Wrocław, she start ed studying at the Faculty of Architecture of
the Wro cław University of Technology. She graduated in
1955, ob tain ing a master’s degree in civil engineering. Already
at that time she was interested in the theory and aesthetics of
Jadwiga Sławińska urodziła się 20 czerwca 1927 r.
w Łodzi. W czasie okupacji, o czym wiedzieli tylko nie-
liczni z jej współpracowników, przebywała w getcie war-
szawskim, skąd udało się jej uciec tuż przed ostateczną
likwidacją. Po wojnie kontynuowała naukę, jednocześnie
pracując zawodowo. Szkołę średnią skończyła w 1948 r.
w Łodzi. O tym niezwykle dramatycznym okresie pisze
prof. Alina Drapella-Hermansdorfer: Kiedyś matka zmu-
siła ją do ucieczki z łódzkiego getta. Córka Estery i Ruwina
Linde miała kilkanaście lat, gdy trafiła na Pomorze do
pra cy w polu, po paromiesięcznej tułaczce po lasach i mniej
lub bardziej udanych próbach włączenia się do ruchu
oporu. Powstanie w getcie warszawskim zakończyło się po -
, a Jadwiga z nową tożsamością jakimś cu dem zo -
stała przydzielona do pomocy w gospodarstwie rolnym.
Znalazła się sama w obcym żywiole, odcięta od kontaktów
i wiadomości z zewnątrz. Nadejście frontu oznaczało dla
niej szansę na powrót do domu. Nie czekając na koniec
woj ny, podjęła w Gdańsku pracę sekretarki w strukturach
od budowującego się państwa. Takich, jakie wówczas
były. Jako osoba znająca niemiecki trafiła na parę miesię-
cy do sekcji informacji, co jej później miał wypomnieć
IPN, nie patrząc na kontekst ani na to, że z pierwszą
nadarzającą się okazją wyjechała do Łodzi. W ocalałych
kwartałach dawnego Litzmannstadt-Getto nikt jednak na
nią nie czekał. Jadwiga skończyła szkołę średnią i wyru-
szyła do Wrocławia, niczym do Ziemi Obiecanej. Miała
21 lat i bagaż wspomnień nie do udźwignięcia. Po prze-
niesieniu się do Wrocławia rozpoczęła studia na Wydziale
Architektury Politechniki Wro cław skiej. Ukoń czyła je
w 1955 r., uzyskując tytuł magistra inżyniera architekta.
Już w tym okresie interesowała się teorią i es tetyką archi-
tektury uprawianą jako dział teorii kultury. By pogłębić te
Nasi Mistrzowie/Our Masters
Docent Jadwiga Sławińska –
Honorowa Profesor Politechniki Wrocławskiej
Docent Jadwiga Sławińska –
Honorary Professor of Wrocław University of Technology

92 Aleksandra Brzozowska-Jawornickar
Ph.D. studies under the supervision of Professor Edmund
Małachowicz, the director of the Institute of the History
of Architecture, Art, and Technology.
During his doctoral studies, Jacek Kościuk joined the
team focused on the conservation of architectural monu-
ments. After successfully nishing the doctoral thesis The
integration of contemporary architecture in historical en-
sembles on October 18, 1978, he was employed as an As-
sistant Professor in the Institute (now Department) of the
History of Architecture, Art, and Technology with which
he is still associated until now. Initially his research inter-
ests were focused on the medieval architecture in Lower
Silesia, in collaboration with the Provincial Archaeologi-
cal and Conservation Centre in Wrocław, and resulted in
the studies of the rotunda of St. Gotthard in Strzelin, the
castle in Świdnica, or Mikołajska Gate in Wrocław.
At this early stage of his scientic career, Jacek Ko-
ściuk became interested in non-invasive techniques of
archaeological prospection. In collaboration with the In-
stitute of Building of Wrocław University of Science and
Technology he applied the thermovision method to detect
the internal structures of walls. This approach was consid-
ered a pioneering research technique at that time. Inno-
vative, especially non-invasive methods of measurement,
testing and documentation in architecture and archaeolo-
gy remains one of the central interests of Jacek Kościuk
throughout his entire academic work.
The year 1981 brought a signicant change to Jacek
Kościuk’s scientic career when he went to Cairo on
a scholarship from the Egyptian Government. Due to the
martial law in Poland he remained in Egypt until 1984,
studying the local architecture of Late Antiquity and the
early Middle Ages. These studies marked the beginning
of Jacek Kościuk’s long and fruitful collaboration with
the German Archaeological Institute in Cairo (DAIK),
which continues to this day. The foundation of this part-
nership was laid through research in Abû Mînâ, one of
the largest pilgrimage centres of early Christianity, and
a site inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List.
Jacek Kościuk became the architect of the archaeologi-
cal mission. Since 1985 he has been in charge of the re-
search on the early medieval phase of Abû Mînâ from the
second half of the 7
century and subsequent centuries.
His research in this area, continued for over twenty eld
seasons, and resulted in numerous participations in inter-
national conferences and lectures as well as publications,
including a monograph Early Medieval settlement at Abû
Mînâ from 2009 that became the basis for his habilitation
in January 27, 2010 by the decision of the Scientic Coun-
cil of the Faculty of Architecture at Wrocław University of
Science and Technology. The continuation of architectural
research on Abû Mînâ was presented in numerous reports,
articles, and another monograph Plac Targowy wczes-
nośredniowiecznej osady w Abû Mînâ published in 2019.
The ongoing research on the architecture of Abû Mînâ by
Jacek Kościuk was presented in numerous reports, arti-
cles, and another monograph published in 2019.
Jacek Kościuk’s collaboration with DAIK extended far
beyond Abû Mînâ. In subsequent years, he participated
in numerous eld missions in Egypt, including: the upper
temple of the Snofru pyramid in Dashur (1982 and 1983,
led by Professor Rainer Stadelmann); the Roman settle-
ment within the temple complex in Luxor (1983, led by
Dr. Peter Grossmann); the temple of Seti I in Gurna (1983
and 1984, led by Professor Rainer Stadelmann); the early
dynastic necropolis of Umm el-Qa’ab (1983 and 1984, led
by Professor Gunter Dreyer); the necropolis of El Sala-
muni (1984, led by Dr. Klaus Kuhlmann); and the early
dynastic settlement layers on Elephantine (1984, led by
Professor Werner Kaiser and Professor Gunter Dreyer).
During these studies, Jacek Kościuk successfully contin-
ued his pioneering work with non-invasive measurement
methods, including the usage of the electro-resistance
equipment for the ground penetration, constructed accord-
ing to his guidelines at Wrocław University of Science
and Technology.
He supplemented his further studies of Abû Mînâ with
literary research conducted in 1992 in Berlin under the
guidance of Professor Wolfram Hoepfner. During this
six-month scholarship from the German Academy of
Sciences and Literature he also participated in eld re-
searches on the settlement of Thira Archai in Santorini
and on two sea nymph sanctuaries from the archaic peri-
Fig. 2. Jacek Kościuk, a first-year Architecture student, during the first
student exchange between Wrocław University of Science
and Technology and a university in Volgograd at the Kumylga
collective farm, 1970 (photo by A. Sokalski)
Il. 2. Jacek Kościuk, student I roku architektury podczas pierwszej
wymiany studenckiej Politechniki Wrocławskiej z uczelnią
z Wołgogradu w kołchozie Kumylga, 1970 (fot. A. Sokalski)

Professor Jacek Kościuk 93
od in Rhodes. The next research expedition, this time to
Deir-Salib in Syria in 1993, resulted from collaboration
with Professor Hans-Georg Severin.
In the subsequent years, he continued his research on
residential architecture in collaboration with Professor
Wolfram Hoepfner. Thanks to this partnership recon-
structions of ancient Antioch architecture, residential
homes in Priene and Kolophon, architectural orders of
the Leonidaion in Olympia, and the palace in Vergina
were created, using CAD software, a pioneering method
in archaeology at the time.
The detailed analyses of two famous ancient edices:
the Pergamon Altar and the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus
brought the most spectacular results of the cooperation
between Professor Wolfram Hoepfner and Jacek Kościuk
(Fig. 3). Their studies took into account the contemporary
state of research and all known at the time fragments of
these structures, scattered around the world. Based on me-
ticulous studies, Jacek Kościuk created virtual reconstruc-
tions followed by models of the buildings made from arti-
cial marble (Corian). These models were exhibited, among
others, in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York,
and currently they can be seen in the Berlin museums.
The Ptolemaic Temple of Repit in Athribis is another
archaeological site in Egypt where Jacek Kościuk worked,
this time invited by of Professor Christian Leiz. Starting
from 2001 he participated in the preparation and then the
activities of the German-Egyptian research mission -
nanced by the DAAD grant. Being the chief architect and
the main conservator of the mission he was responsible
for preparing the documentation of the temple’s architec-
tural relics and their analyses followed by the temple’s
theoretical reconstruction. The site had to be tidied up
including dismantling of the ruined parts of the temple
which was accomplished by Jacek Kościuk using among
others pneumatic cushions, his another innovative idea in
Egypt. The works were presented in a series of articles
and a monograph of the Athribis Temple.
Another turning point in Jacek Kościuk’s career oc-
curred in 2006 when, he got the grant of the Sectoral
Operational Program: Improvement of the Competitive-
ness of Industry WKP1/1.4.2/2/2005/87/168/464, and
opened the Laboratory of Scanning 3D and Modelling
(LabScan3D) at the Institute of the History of Architec-
ture, Art and Technology – one of the rst laboratories of
the kind in Poland and the rst one at a university. The
laboratory crowned Jacek Kościuk’s long-standing inter-
ests in various methods of digital documentation and 3D
modelling. Since the opening of the Laboratory, he and
his team participated in numerous projects from various
research elds. One of the most interesting is the docu-
mentation work on the Upper Terrace of the Temple of
Hatshepsut in Deir el-Bahari, another monument on the
UNESCO list, carried out as a part of the works of the
Polish Archaeological and Conservation Expedition of
the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology of War-
saw University (Fig. 4).
Another signicant chapter in Jacek Kościuk’s sci-
entic work began in 2011 when he received an invita-
tion to participate in the Polish studies in the South and
Central America from Professor Mariusz Ziółkowski, the
director of the Andean Research Centre of Warsaw Uni-
versity. The collaboration has continued to this day and
yielded excellent scientic results within more than 10
research projects.
The participation in the Qorikancha A comprehensive
historical and architectural study of the former Sun Tem-
ple in the capital of the Inca state – Cusco grant (2281/B/
Fig. 3. Jacek Kościuk next to the
model of the Mausoleum at
Halicarnassus (photo by
W. Hoepfner)
Il. 3. Jacek Kościuk obok modelu
Mauzoleum w Halikarnasie
(fot. W. Hoepfner)

94 Aleksandra Brzozowska-Jawornickar
T02/2011/40) was the rst one. Thanks to Jacek Kościuk’s
precise three-dimensional documentation of the temple,
previous assumptions regarding its astro-orientation in
space were veried.
The 3D laser scanning documentation of the Machu
Picchu site, also listed on the UNESCO World Herit-
age List, was another project of exceptional signicance
conducted by Jacek Kościuk and his team from the Lab-
Scan3D (Figs 5–6). The project involved also specialists
from Universidad Nacional de San Antonio Abad del Cus-
co trained in 3D scanning by Jacek Kościuk.
From 2013 onward, Jacek Kościuk, his PhD students,
and LabScan3D sta began cooperating with another team
of Polish researchers working in Peru led by Dr Patryc-
ja Giersz and Dr Miłosz Giersz from the Department of
Archaeology of the Americas of Warsaw University. His
participation in the Architectural research and documenta-
tion of the Wari culture mausoleum in Castillo de Huarmey
project (Fig. 7), assessed as one of the most important ar-
chaeological discoveries of 2013 by the Archaeological
Institute of America, consisted in preparing documenta-
tion with structural light scanning of particularly valuable
nds, e.g., a unique ceremonial qero cup or the skull of
Wari queen which then were printed in 3D technology in
Poland. During next seasons Jacek Kościuk completed the
architectural documentation of the whole archaeological
site including its stratication using the 3D laser scanning
method as well as the digital short-range photogrammetry.
In the same year, Jacek Kościuk also initiated partner-
ship with the Archaeological Museum in Arequipa. In the
primary stage of the work, he created 3D models of over
twenty ceremonial qero cups, which now paradoxically
represent the only trace of these artefacts as they were
stolen from the museum’s collection. The second stage
involved participation in another research project led by
of Professor Mariusz Ziółkowski: The study of the Inca
pilgrimage centre Maucallacta, and The study of the Inca
sanctuary in the region of Coropuna volcano.
The successful verication of the earlier assumptions
regarding the orientation and function of the Qorikan-
cha as an astronomical observatory led to similar studies
of other Inca structures. These investigations were con-
ducted by Jacek Kościuk in collaboration with Professor
Ziółkowski in the Inca ceremonial sanctuary Templo de
la Luna in the Sacsayhuamán area, the Intimachay, an as-
tronomical observatory of Machu Picchu, or el Mirador
de Inkaraqay. Using the 3D laser scanning, digital short-
range photogrammetry, architectural analyses, chronolog-
ical stratication and astronomical orientation, the team
proved for the rst time, that the Incas were capable of
conducting advanced astrological observations, including
the December solstice, the June solstice, as well as the
so-called lunar standstill or the Pleiades’ heliacal rising.
These discoveries are considered to be ones of the most
important in the eld of Inca’s cosmology.
The outstanding achievements of Jacek Kościuk and his
team in the eld of pre-Columbian architectural research
have resulted in invitations to participate in subsequent re-
search projects directed by scientists from the Centre of
Andean Research of Warsaw University in Cuzco: Satel-
lite sites in the Machu Picchu neighbourhood: Inkaraqay,
Chachabamba and high-mountain lakes near Nevado Sal-
cantay (Peru), led by Professor Mariusz Ziółkowski (grant
NCN Opus 10, UMO-2015/19/B/HS3/03557); Armakuna:
ritual functions of Inca’s “baths” on the example of the
ceremonial site Chachabamba (Historical Sanctuary of
Machu Picchu, Peru) directed by Dominika Sieczkowska
(grant NCN Preludium 10, UMO-2015/19/N/HS3/03626)
and Archaeological musical instruments in Polish mu-
seum collections led by Professor Anna Gruszczyńs-
ka-Ziółkowska (grant nanced by the Ministry of Science
and Higher Education as part of the National Program for
the Development of Humanities, 11H 13038282).
His next two projects extended beyond South America.
Jacek Kościuk documented and investigated traces of hu-
man activity preserved in lava cave on Easter Island and
Fig. 4. Jacek Kościuk in front on the Sanctuarium of the Hatshepsut
Temple in Deir el-Bahari, Western Thebes, Egypt, 2010
(photo by Wo. Wojciechowski)
Il 4. Jacek Kościuk przed Sanktuarium Świątyni Hatszepsut w Deir
el-Bahari, Teby Zachodnie, Egipt, 2010 (fot. W. Wojciechowski)
Fig. 5. Jacek Kościuk working in Machu Picchu, El Mirador, 2013
(photo by M. Ziółkowski)
Il. 5. Jacek Kościuk w Machu Picchu, El Mirador, 2013
(fot. M. Ziółkowski)

Professor Jacek Kościuk 95
in the archaeological park of the Maya civilization in El
Salvador (Documentation of Joya de Cerén in El Salva-
dor), another site from the UNESCO World Heritage List.
The architectural research and comprehensive doc-
umentation of the Samaipata site (Fuerte de Samaipata/
Bolivia) under the World Heritage List project led by Jacek
Kościuk (grant NCN Opus 014/15/B/HS2/01108), repre-
sents the culmination of his research in South America. The
precise documentation of the Samaipata archaeological
site with famous and very fragile petroglyphs is the major
aim of the project, including the recording of the present
condition of the petroglyphs. This is particularly crucial
since they are prone to rapid erosion. In the light of the
ongoing destruction of these historical artifacts, the doc-
umentation prepared by Jacek Kościuk and his co-work-
ers is invaluable, being not only their record allowing to
conduct further research, e.g. establishing their chronolo-
gy, but also constituting a base for the necessary conserva-
tion interventions. It is also worth emphasizing how broad
the spectrum of specialists from various elds and inter-
national institutions was whom Jacek Kościuk invited to
collaborate within the Samaipata project. Scientists from
the Faculty of Architecture of Wrocław University of Sci-
ence and Technology, Warsaw University, Centro Italiano
di Studi e Ricerche Precolombiane in Nasca, the Universi-
ty of Wrocław, Wrocław University of Environmental and
Life Sciences, Cracow University of Technology and the
Ministry of Culture of Bolivia were involved in rescuing,
documenting and investigating the Samaipata site.
Simultaneously with the research projects conducted
in South America, Jacek Kościuk was involved in sever-
al studies carried out in Poland at Wrocław University of
Science and Technology. In 2015 he took part in Professor
Małgorzata Chorowska’s grant The beginnings of castles
in Lower Silesia in the light of research into the chronol-
ogy of the construction workshop (brick, stone, mortar)
(NCN grant: 2012/05/B/HS3/03704). He also participat-
ed in a scientic consortium consisting of the Faculty of
Architecture of Wrocław University of Science and Tech-
nology and the Jordahl & Pfeifer Company working on
System of modiable prefabricated multi-level car park
facilities – UniParking in bi-Concrete
technology pro-
ject nanced by the National Centre for Research and
Development and European Regional Development Fund.
The LabScan3D sta led by Jacek Kościuk also partici-
pated in research projects of Prof. Jerzy Kaleta from the
Department of Mechanics and Materials Engineering,
Wrocław University of Science and Technology: rstly
Enhanced Design Requirements and Testing Procedures
for Composite Cylinders for the Safe Storage of Hydro-
gen (HYCOMP) and secondly Research of the composite
pontoon bridge.
The partnership between the LabScan3D, the Police
School in Piła and the Department of Forensic Medicine
at the Medical Academy in Wrocław brought about one
of the most interesting and innovative applications of
the modern methods and techniques of documentation
in the eld of forensic science. The team led by Jacek
Kościuk took part in research projects and prosecution
proceedings which were presented at conferences and
in publications. Thanks to this partnership, Laboratory
of 3D Expertise dedicated to virtual reconstruction and
examination of crime scenes, the rst laboratory of that
kind in Poland and the second in Europe was established
Fig. 6. Jacek Kościuk next to a Laser scanner working in Machu Picchu, 2016 (photo by A. Kubicka-Sowińska)
Il. 6. Jacek Kościuk przy skanerze laserowym podczas prac w Machu Picchu, 2016 (fot. A. Kubicka-Sowińska)

96 Aleksandra Brzozowska-Jawornickar
at the Department of Forensic Medicine, University of
Medical Sciences in Wrocław. Jacek Kościuk serves as
a consultant there, and the LabSkan3D was approved by
the Lower Silesian Department of the National Public
Prosecutor’s Oce in Wrocław (File No. PK I Wz. Ds.
29.2016) as a team of experts in, among other things, pro-
cedural experiment documentation.
The impressive scientic career of Jacek Kościuk is
reected in his numerous publications and participation
in many conferences. He published about 120 scientif-
ic papers including 2 monographs, a lot of articles and
chapters in monographs, mostly in English. He was also
the editor of 2 monographs. His publications have been
and continue to be widely cited.
Jacek Kościuk took part in over 50 scientic confer-
ences, most of them of international importance. Many
times he chaired the conference sessions. In at least 8 con-
ferences he was a member of the scientic and organizing
committees and once the chairman of such a committee.
In 2008 he became an external expert of the National
Foresight Program Poland 2020. Since 2018 he has been
a member of the Scientic committee of the journal Teka
Komisji Architektury, Urbanistyki i Studiów Krajobra-
zowych, PAN Lublin.
Long and successful scientic career of Jacek Kości-
uk resulted in his being awarded the title of Professor
in 2020. Many times he received Rector’s Award of the
Wrocław University of Science and Technology as well as
Honorary Badge of Merit for Polish Culture awarded by
the Minister of Culture and National Heritage of the Re-
public of Poland (2011), Docendo Discimus special Rec-
tor’s award for special achievements in teaching (2018)
and Medal of the National Education Commission (2018).
Working in the Institute of History of Architecture, Art
and Technology, Jacek Kościuk performed many promi-
nent functions at the Faculty of Architecture of Wrocław
University of Science and Technology: director (2005–
2014) and deputy director (1991–1993, 2014–2021) of the
Institute; founder and director of the Laboratory of Scan-
ning 3D and Modeling (LabScan3D, 2007–2021) and
a member of 6 Faculty Committees (Program Committee,
Hospitalization Committee, Faculty Development Plan
Committee, Research Committee, Sta Policy Commit-
tee, Doctoral Scholarship Committee). In 2022 he retired
from Wrocław University of Science and Technology and
now he holds an Associate Research Fellow position at
the Centre of Andean Studies of the University of Warsaw.
Alongside his academic career, Jacek Kościuk also
developed successfully a professional career as an architect.
In 1994, he with his wife Anna Kościuk established their
own design studio ARCHIKON s.c., where he was actively
working till 2005. He gained design experience while
working in Poland and abroad. Throughout his professional
career, he participated in 32 projects, including 17 related
to monument protection, and 3 architectural competitions
with one awarded the rst prize and one nominated for
Fig. 7. Jacek Kościuk with the members of the Castillo de Huarmey project (photo by Archives Castillo de Hurarmey project)
Il. 7. Jacek Kościuk z członkami projektu Castillo de Huarmey, 2014 (fot. Archiwa Castillo de Hurarmey project)

Professor Jacek Kościuk 97
the Proactive Engineering Award (USA) in 1996 for
the project of restoration of the White Stork Synagogue
in Wrocław and the innovative use of 3D software in
conservation design. In his professional practice, he
obtained many qualications in the eld of architecture
and design (building qualications for unlimited design
in the architectural specialty; authorizations for design
work on heritage monuments, experts’ rights of the
Association of Monument Conservators in revalorization
of architectural heritage and MicroStation Institute
Certied Instructor qualications). As an expert Jacek
Kościuk became a member of many professional and
scientic organizations: the Architecture and Urban
Planning Section of the Polish Academy of Sciences in
Wrocław; the Association of Monument Conservators,
where he was a v-President in 1994–1997 and 2010–
2014; the Polish National Committee ICOMOS; Société
d’Archéologie Copte; the Commission on Archaeology of
Mediterranean Countries of the Polish Academy of Arts
and Sciences; the MicroStation Community, where he was
a founder and president in 1998–2000, the Chamber of
Polish Architects; Koldewey Society; the City Planning
and Architecture Commission at the Mayor of the City
of Wrocław in 2003–2007; the jury of the FACADE OF
THE YEAR competition organized by BAUMIT Polska
in 2013–2019; and expert teams of NCBiR, NCN and
Norwegian Fund in 2010–2019, Inter-American Society
of Astronomy in Culture and Society for American
His broad scientic knowledge and professional
experience made him an outstanding lecturer and un-
derstanding and patient teacher. He started teaching
during his PhD studies at the Faculty of Architecture
of Wrocław University of Science and Technology with
a course Conservation of Monuments. He continued his
career as a lecturer teaching various classes, including
a seminar Aesthetics, design classes Conservation of
monuments, computer laboratory Introduction to CAD
systems, and practical exercises Architectural and con-
struction documentation.
With a team from the Institute (now Department) of
History of Architecture, Art and Technology Jacek Ko-
sciuk prepared and introduced a new specialization for
students of Architecture: Monuments Protection (now Ar-
chitecture and Historic Preservation). He also conducted
courses for the students of this specialisation such as In-
troduction to CAD systems, Advanced CAD methods, Ar-
chitectural and conservation documentation, Generative
Components, Laboratory of architectural and conserva-
tion documentation, computer laboratory Advanced meth-
ods of 3D documentation, design classes Conservation
design and Master’s diploma seminars.
Fig. 8. Jacek Kościuk with students from the ArcHist students movement during workshops Zamki i ich cienie in Zagórze Śląskie, 2019
(photo by A. Gryglewska)
Il. 8. Jacek Kościuk z uczestnikami koła studenckiego ArcHist podczas warsztatów Zamki i ich cienie w Zagórzu Śląskim, 2019
(fot. A. Gryglewska)
98 Aleksandra Brzozowska-Jawornickar
Many times he organized workshops and practices for
students and PhD students in Poland (Fig. 8) and abroad.
He was also a founder and a supervisor of student re-
search circles: DigiFabLab and FOCHUS, both at the
Faculty of Architecture of Wrocław University of Sci-
ence and Technology.
Jacek Kościuk supervised engineering diploma works
and master’s theses, overseeing over 15 of the former and
nearly 40 of the latter. Participating in numerous research
projects, he always aimed to involve his students, doctor-
al candidates, and collaborators in these studies. This re-
sulted in numerous doctoral theses that he supervised as
a promoter. As an expert he also reviewed several doctor-
al dissertations. His students were rewarded and received
grants many times. He also participated in many habilita-
tion proceedings, also as a reviewer and a chairman.
The contacts of Jacek Kościuk with foreign scientic
institutions and participating in numerous internation-
al researches resulted also in cooperation in the eld of
teaching. In Abû Mînâ he supervised a eld practise for
the students of the Faculty of Architecture at the Technical
University of Karlsruhe. This partnership continued in Po-
land in a joint scientic project organized for Polish and
German researchers and students on wooden churches of
Lower Silesia. Jacek Kościuk taught also students from
of classical archaeology the Free University of Berlin the
use of CAD techniques in archaeological documentation.
Participating in many international scientic pro-
jects and broad cooperation with researches working on
pre-Columbian architecture resulted in many invitation
of Jacek Kościuk from universities as well as other cul-
tural and scientic institutions in South America. Many
times he was asked to conduct lectures, classes and work-
shops for their students and employees which took place
at Universidad Nacional de San Antonio Abad del Cus-
co, the Francisco Gavidia University in San Salvador,
El Centro Nacional De Conservación y Restauración in
Santiago De Chile and the Father Sebastian Englert An-
thropological Museum. He presented his own impressive
studies, as well as the modern methods of documenting
heritage monuments, especially the use of 3D laser scan-
ning technology, but also the ideas and achievements of
the Polish school of research and conservation of herit-
age monuments.
The legacy of Jacek Kościuk constitutes a signicant
contribution to the advancement of science in various
elds, encompassing participation in many diverse re-
search projects and numerous publications that have been
widely cited. The area of his research extends from South
America to eastern Mediterranean and from Antiquity to
modern times. It is worth noting that Professor Kościuk
continues to be active professionally with excellent re-
sults, currently focusing on the research on pre-Columbi-
an architecture in South America. We look forward to fur-
ther results of his works! The Laboratory of Scanning 3D
and Modelling (LabScan3D), the Jewel in the crown of his
work, has been working with subsequent successes to its
credit led by his protégés: Dr eng Bartłomej Ćmielewski
and Dr eng arch Anna Kubicka-Sowińska. Numerous ar-
chitects and scholars trained by Jacek Kościuk, including
the author of this article, keep working on archaeologi-
cal sites, or with monuments, using skills, methods and
knowledge provided by Jacek Kościuk. We all remember
his kindness and patience, as well as sometimes sharp
sense of humour, and we are all very grateful. Thank you,
Professor Jacek Kościuk!
Aleksandra Brzozowska-Jawornicka