Palimpsest in the transformations of the Cistercian abbey in Rudy after World War II

Monika Dąbkowska



The article is aimed at describing the transformations of the Cistercian abbey in Rudy Raciborskie after World War II. This architectural complex, established after the secularization was converted into a ducal palace. During the World War II medieval vaults, stucco works, details and elements of architecture were destroyed. However, due to that fact, medieval polychromes were revealed. All the conservation works conducted at that time were of purifying character and resulted in the destruction of all medieval paintings, patina on the walls as well as Baroque stucco works, which could have been left in the form of the so called “testimony”. This architectural palimpsest deprived the building of a part of its history and the losses are impossible to recover.

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