112 Katarzyna Słuchocka
stimuli deepening perception and originating in the basic
senses, as well as additional elements important in the ob-
servation process: analysis and interpretation (analysis of
verbal interpretation). This in-depth analysis and reception
of architectural space, taking place with the help of the
interpretation of an architectural form (an interpretive im-
age and a verbal comment), can eectively increase the
sensitivity and awareness of users of architectural spaces,
strengthening the social identity and individuals. Expand-
ing the eld of interpretation and reception of architectural
space with the sphere of sensual perception opens up new
possibilities of interpretation and tightens distant areas of
research, giving a new dimension to articulations and se-
mantics, treated as opinion-forming factors. It also implies
further sets of data necessary for a factual assessment of
architectural spaces. An in-depth perception process is
an investment in the shape of future architecture and the
comfort of our existence, and the form and image set, sup-
plemented with a word, is proof of the necessity to expand
the eld of activity in terms of recognizing architecture.
The presented research methods, based on the analysis of
representations of the model version of architecture, its
sensual reception and interpretative representation, may
facilitate the identication of the right way of creating
architecture, ultimately consciously implicating the space
intended for humans. As Rasmussen [28, pp. 225–237]
argued in his study, referring to the issues of acoustics
in architecture, that architecture can be heard, it can also
be assumed that poetic comments, which are a graphic
complement to the image-photograph of architecture, are
a cognitive tool helpful in its understanding and compre-
hending while the provoked reinterpretation plays a key
role in the cognitive process of architecture.
In the presented research process, taking into account
the method of image and semantic analysis, other forms,
events or phenomena may also be the subject of studies.
The above-discussed thematic research entitled “An ar-
chitectural object – a work of art, in the context of per-
ception processes” concerned only selected architectural
forms. The survey and opinion-forming method planned
for implementation will enable us to fully conrm the va-
lidity of the applied method.
Translated by
Kinga Uszko-Skrzypczak
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