Pet cemeteries in Poland

Anna Myślińska



This article deals with the topic of animal burial sites. The problem was discussed referring to the territory of Poland against the background of examples from abroad. Modern pet cemeteries have been created in our country for a short time, and their issue has not been discussed in any detail so far. Despite the fact that animal cemeteries are a relatively new phenomenon in Poland, it is already possible to notice their typical spatial features.     The author, who deals with issues in the field of architecture on a daily basis, tries to describe and evaluate the pet cemeteries from the following angle of interest: location, spatial layout, parcel size, unification, and, on the other hand, the individualization of graves. In the course of the study of the phenomenon of cemeteries for animals in Poland, it turned out that the unsatisfied emotional need is the main driving force behind their formation, so an important element of the work became the analysis of their genesis and form of ownership of pet cemeteries.

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