Postmodern architecture in the historical quarters of Poznań as a shaping element of the city’s cultural environment

Adam Nadolny



Both modern and postmodern architecture drew from the ideas of theorists and critics of earlier architecture – from the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries, it was postulated for instance by E. Kauffman. The principles of developing “modern” architecture with historical roots can be transposed to contemporary architecture. They include transparency and moderation in external appearance and outline as well as the dominance of right angles and straight lines, stereometric shape of the building. In respect of composition the elements placed closely next to one another or on one another. Peace, gravity, and height corresponding to the “size” of the materialized ideas or the tasks served by the buildings. Finally, ethos and morality instead of noisy glamour and representativeness.     Postmodernism restores the rank of facades and space edges, which existed in the 19th century. It differentiates them by means of a scale and by introducing contractions, passages, etc. It also gives an individual feature to buildings showing first of all their participation in creating the city space at the turn of the 20th century. The present times require great creativity from us, namely, we must bear in mind cooperation of art and architecture. The postmodern world was placed in a difficult situation of finding itself in the tumult of the present day. After announcing the idea of bankruptcy of painting and art and declaring that nobody and nothing is able to be surprising anymore and that everything has already happened, hardly any sort of activity gives rise to optimism. Where in that case is the place for art? For human sensitivity? The world will never be able to renounce art and architecture, however, the world has made them change their visage.

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