Relicts of the 16th-century cellar by the St Mary’s church in Gdańsk

Piotr Samól, Monika Kasprzak



Saint Mary’s church in Gdańsk, one of the largest brick Gothic temples in the World, has got no external chapels – except the House of Councils. Its architectural form, however, is not the result of implementation of one project, but realization of a few transforming concepts. The discovery of the relicts of the 16th-century cellars, located in the corner of the transept and the northern aisle, gives an idea of the process of building the space around the temple, which was interrupted by the Reformation.     The paper summarizes the architectural and archaeological researches, which have been conducted since 2016 in connection to the conservational works. Their part is also the adaptation of the former unused boiler cellar from 1929 on the multimedia room. There was the space, where one discovered the relicts of the older constructions from the end of the Middle Ages. The aim of this article is to present the results of conducted research and to discuss the historical and functional context of the found relicts of cellars.

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